Latest Projects Based on Na

The following projects are based on na. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using na.

1. Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Through this project you will build a robot that can be controlled with an Android App using bluetooth communication. The robot can receive the commands from the user through the android app which will have the basic functions of actuations.

2. Automobile based mobile charging

Automobile based mobile charging

Right now the most important and common thing for each and every one is Mobiles or Smartphones. But the problem we regularly face while using them is charging. So imagine there is a plug in the car which you can use it for charging mobile. The Power required for charging your mobile will be generated from the wheels. Does it sound new?? Yes, that’s true. Through this project, you are going to build a system where you can charge your mobile with the power generated from the motion of the wheels of your car.

3. Energy Glider

Energy Glider

Glider is nothing but a type of Aircraft which can fly up to a certain amount of time depending on the design and the area of lifting surface. They might have an engine for altitude gliding which can be turned off after critical lift generation. There are wide varieties differing in the construction of their wings, aerodynamic efficiency, location of the pilot, controls and intended purpose. Some basic lightweight materials like wood, plastic, and other polymer foams are generally used for manufacturing gliders.

4. Radio-Controlled Flying Wing

Radio-Controlled Flying Wing

Radio Controlled flying wing one type of elongated or extended wing aircraft having more surface area on wing creating more lift.There are no embellishments or fuselage, its lightweight and fairly easy to assemble of these aircraft are having Delta shape (triangular). Its a kind of delta wing Aircraft having high speed as compared to commercial aircraft. The lift and thrust forces are much more than normal aircraft. Basically, they are made fabricating one long piece of Wood/ Coroplast/ Polyforms.

5. Autonomous fixed wing (drone)

Autonomous fixed wing (drone)

Here you are going to learn about how to make an automatic flying robot called UAV. Nowadays everything is becoming an automatic system where you are able to reduce the human errors as much as possible.

Build projects on latest technologies

Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

6. Robotic Bird

Robotic Bird

We call this as ornithopter, means a mechanical flying machine which can mimic a bird up to 80% and Engineers are trying their best to make this bird most efficient. Basically, these are categorized by flapping wings flying machine which generate lift through the atmospheric air. This machine differs from a temporary power plant or limited ( temporary) power sources. The best application they can be used for Spying, surveillance, surface analysis.

7. Smartphone Controlled Paper Plane

Smartphone Controlled Paper Plane

What if I say that you can control your paper plane with your smartphone, that sounds crazy right! All the users have made or gone through the art of folding papers( Origami ) but it can fly up to few second or minutes only. Again your flight duration depends on the fabrication size and shape of your paper plane and a little knowledge of aerodynamics and shallow knowledge of aerodynamic forces acting on your model.

8. Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Today one of the common thing for all of us is Mobile or Smart Phone. Imagine there is robot which can be operated by your smart phone. Isn’t is cool?? Through this project you are going to build a unique walking robot which can be controlled by any smart phone.

9. Solar Endurance Flight

Solar Endurance Flight

Sailplanes are aerodynamically streamlined and are capable of gaining altitude and remain airborne, while maintaining forward motion. The main advantage of the sailplane solar glider is to generate free energy from the sun. That's the difference between a normal glider and solar sailplane glider. By using this model you can increase the endurance of flight.

10. Generating Electricity From Sound Waves

Generating Electricity From Sound Waves

In today's world, we are facing scarcity of Electricity. Generally, in lots of places in INDIA and SOUTH AFRICA, some villages are not getting electricity. In that way, you might be thinking about the hydropower or wind or solar but there is something crazy about generating electricity through industrial machine sounds or sound produced by the crowd in stadium or vehicle traffic noise. Sounds cool right!

11. Turning Gravity into Light

Turning Gravity into Light

In today's modern world we have ample amount of facility which can satisfy above our basic need, unfortunately this condition is not satisfied everywhere in countries like Kenya, India where millions of people don't have electricity to lighten their house even renewable energy(wind, solar, water) are hardly available at some places and they are using harmful fuels like kerosene to power their house spending 20% of their income. What is the solution?

12. Regenerative Clutch For Power Generation

Regenerative Clutch For Power Generation

In Automobiles the clutches started to become popular over the past years, the variety of applications and clutch designs has increased dramatically, but the basic operation remains the same.

13. How to Develop an RC Ornithopter

How to Develop an RC Ornithopter

An ornithopter is a flying machine technology that is adapted from the flying motion of real bird. Its working principle similarly to birds where it can flap the wings to fly. If the ornithopter is flying along with real birds no one can able to identify which one is real and which one is Robot. Because of that, these flying machines are used for tracking purposes as a spy bird.



These days drones are playing a very important role in all the sectors including the surveying lands. Drones make surveying of lands much faster than the conventional methods. Now drone simplifies the collection and analysis of geospatial data, allowing professionals to make better decisions.



Generally, as we know drones are can able to perform position held in the outdoors with the help of GPS module. In case if it is indoor it's very difficult to perform position hold why because the GPS cannot be able to receive the satellite signal.



It's a combination of both fixed wing and multi-copter. For flying fixed wing drone you need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. For multi-copter, you don't need a bigger area for takeoff and landing. But the fixed wing can carry more loads with less power consumed than the multi-copter. For the multi-copter, you don't need more area where it can fly any places.



Recent times all the drones are coming along with the obstacle avoidance technology where it can able to sense any kind of obstacle by using the sensors. This technology protects the drone from crashing.

18. Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture recognition technology helps you to communicate or control any other devices via your hand gestures. From this technology, you can control the drone simply by moving your hands.

19. Hybrid Drone

Hybrid Drone

In conventional drone lipo batteries are used as a power source where you need to charge for every particular time period. The charging time alone will be taking more time due to which you cannot do continues flying. By adding the IC engine and DC generator with the conventional drone you can build a hybrid drone.



Whatever the drone that is available in the market, it has the endurance of maximum 30 - 40 minutes only. Once the battery got discharged, again that battery needs to be recharged completely to go for the next ride. Also it takes a lot of time to get recharged, which is a major issue in most of the UAVs that we see today.



Vertical takeoff and landing RC plane does not require more area for taking off and landing. To make this vtol we need a flight controller which can act as a brain of the vtol.

22. Voice Controlled Drone

Voice Controlled Drone

For a flying drone, people should have minimum knowledge of the flying skill then only they can able to fly properly without crashing, but it's not possible for all the people. If it is voice controlled means anyone can fly without any skill.



This is one of the most widely used UAV in all the places for different types of applications. Whether it is a quad or hexa or octa copter, this concept is the most widely used one. Here you are going to learn how to build a multicopter UAV.

24. Application and properties of fiber reinforced concrete

Application and properties of fiber reinforced concrete

Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is a new structural material which is gaining increasing importance. Addition of fiber reinforcement in discrete form improves many engineering properties of concrete. Currently, very little research work is being conducted within the King-dom using this new material. The use of fibers eliminate the sudden failure characteristic of plain concrete beams. It increases stiffness, torsional strength, ductility, rotational capacity, and the number of cracks with less crack width. In conventionally reinforced concrete beams, fiber addition increases stiffness, and reduces deflection.

25. Ocean Drone

Ocean Drone

DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.

26. Saucer Solar Drone

Saucer Solar Drone

Drones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space. The advantage of Saucer shape is that is more aerodynamic as compared to other shapes and as it has only one rotor its quite difficult to fly.Due to is shape its having some angle 30 to 60 degree when the drone is parallel to ground. The use of solar here to increase the endurance of the flight by transferring power to the Rechargeable battery. Well, it's difficult to obtain the optimum amount of voltage and current (V= IR).

27. Car Copter

Car Copter

CarCoper is the combination the copter and car having the mixture of two technology Automobile technology and Aeronautical Engineering. Car means something mobily On land and copter means having rotational motion in form of propeller. Its really cool to make the combo of car and copter. Something we call as hybrid technology which is which an nully disadvantage of two individual mode by adding the technology.

28. Battery Bottle

Battery Bottle

Adventure come with obstacles. Life is full of adventure but now where ever you go you phone is always with you or some other electronic devices which helps you to keep in touch and you find your way but these devices need to be charged. It's also very important to be hydrated in this adventurous life. But what if clean water is not available any solution? In this project you are going to make an innovative model with battery pack having USB connection and which also purifies water.

29. Noise Pollution Detector

Noise Pollution Detector

Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.

30. Vortex Type Bladeless Windmill

Vortex Type Bladeless Windmill

As you are well aware of the fact the natural energy is the need of future considering a small initiative by Government of India to supply electric current to every home in the country and supply it for 24 Hours, alternatives to hydropower, which credits natural energy its own importance in the market.

31. Sterling Engine Helicopter

Sterling Engine Helicopter

About the project

As we all know that for a flying object to fly, it is important an external source of energy to overcome the gravitational and inertial forces and carry the to desired altitudes. There are different sources of energy used in flying objects like petroleum fuels along with piston & Wankel engines, Jet fuels aka ATF aka avtur fuels along with gas-turbine engines. Another source of supplying power to the flying objects is hot air used along with sterling engines.

32. Battery Free Flashlight

Battery Free Flashlight

Do you think by using battery constrain you to run the technology anywhere in the world or in a solar system. Our drawback is battery we need some platform or power source for storage of power in the form of chemical energy. What if you are making your project without battery sounds crazy right! You don't need to store energy anywhere or neither you need to convert into another form. What happens when you use the battery you are converting in the chemical energy to store in battery and then again to are converting into electrical energy in that process you are losing some amount of energy in form of power. Usually batteries are made of terrible chemicals among very few are being recycled and finally, in the end, we have to dispose of them in the earth which might be very dangerous for humans in future

33. Salt Light Lamp

Salt Light Lamp

The idea behind this project salt lamp is the chemical conversion of energy. It utilizes the scientific process behind the Galvanic cell, but instead of electrolytes, the SALt lamp uses saline solution, making it harmless and non-toxic. SALt lamp project is an LED lamp powered by the galvanic reaction of an anode with saline water. It also has a USB port to charge low-power mobile devices such as cellphones, smartphones, and mp3 players.The anode must be replaced approximately every six months and the saline water daily; sea water is usable.

34. Eco Cooler

Eco Cooler

As temperature is rise in many parts of the country, we are suffering from heat cramps, exhaustion, dehydration and heat stroke.According to studies in America, hundreds of people around the world die every year from heat-related conditions, which can be completely avoided if preventive measures are taken.where temperature reach up to 45 deg Celsius making corrugated tin huts unbearable to live in.

35. Tricopter


A tricopter consists of three motors, three controllers, one servo and four gyros. The three motors are located at the end of each of the three arms. In addition, there is a location sensor in each case. This gyro controls the controllers, which are located in the fuselage of the aircraft. The motor is therefore nothing but a normal servo in one direction.

36. Micro Flying Robot

Micro Flying Robot

Micro flying robots that fly like airplanes and helicopters consume much more energy than micro robots that fly like advanced insects such as flies.A new study now shows that a fly wing that spins like a helicopter blade generates the same amount of lift as a flapping fly wing while consuming only half the energy to move the wing. This finding can inspire the design of efficient micro flying robots with spinning fly-like wings.

37. Solar powered Environmental system

Solar powered Environmental system

To save the city it is very high time to take necessary steps. Creating public awareness is first one of the steps. For creating public awareness we need real time data of the noise we are creating everyday. If every one can see the noise level and air quality in real time it will create a mental pressure for taking steps against the pollution. Researcher will also be benefited from this open source real time data.

38. Everything you need to know about mercury vortex engines

Everything you need to know about mercury vortex engines

About the project

As well all know that it was the wright bros who gave the first successful manned flight to the world, and there are better proofs that eight years earlier to wright bros, an Indian Sanskrit scholar S B Talpade designed a basic aircraft called marutshakti, unmanned aerial vehicle at Chowpatty beach in Bombay, crediting him the first creator of an aircraft in modern times. He used Vedic technology for designing the aircraft.

39. Cryogenic grinding

Cryogenic grinding

About the project

As a mechanical engineer, we have always learned about properties and behavior of different materials under development of heat. Study of materials under different temperatures is very important and the analysis is not limited only to the production of mechanical application but analysis involves where ever there is a material used and different temperatures involved. As an example, a gulf country completely differs from temperature condition in sub-continent or an African country.

40. Hyper loop

Hyper loop

About the project

Have you ever wondered the possibility of high-speed racing competitions like formula racing, a century ago? We all are well aware of advancement made in transit field. A section of Engineers is working on an agenda on increasing the value rate of distance covered on a daily note. We can also see the improvements that we have seen and experience in last century.

41. 2 Stroke Electric engines

2 Stroke Electric engines

About the project

As we all know that when the artificial power replaces the human effort and animal effort, the speed and time variables changed significantly. A mechanism was required to change the artificial power to mechanical or movement effort. The earliest demonstration which showed artificial power replacing the human effort was gunpowder engines in the 16th century, where the effort of living beings to pull water was replaced by engines.

42. Shape Memory Effect–Intelligent Alloys

Shape Memory Effect–Intelligent Alloys

We are well aware of the fact that the required properties and characteristics for a certain application cannot be obtained from a single material for example glass is an insulator but it is not ductile so any impact would generate stress in the glass and lead to the formation of cracks in the glass causing failure or breakage.

43. Rail Gun

Rail Gun

About the project

As we the importance of initial push required for the vehicles which travel a very high velocity and these factors affect the initial momentum of the high-velocity vehicle. To overcome these, an external push is applied through various sources like a railgun, a catapult but of these have their own application.

44. Motion capture camera

Motion capture camera

Time lapse footages are made up of images of the same scene captured over a brief period of time. These footage’s usually consists of cities, landscapes, sky views, constructions, city traffic, sea shores, ocean photography etc. These sceneries usually change over a brief period of time, so capturing images at timer short intervals without any considerable scenery change leads to wastage of storage space.

45. Electromagnetic Hover Car

Electromagnetic Hover Car

An automobile as we all know is an integral part of mankind’s day to day needs. Automobile technology as penetrated into different categories like emergency like transporting a patient in the ambulance or a war weapon to the war field, sports racing, the business application like transportation of goods, transportation of meetings and the list goes on.

46. Plasma Propulsion

Plasma Propulsion

One of the advanced technologies which use a higher temperature for producing output is plasma technology. One associated application of it is plasma propulsion. Plasma propulsion is a technology in which the propellant is in an ionized or plasma state.

47. Maglev Trains

Maglev Trains

Maglev trains are a revolutionary development in railways systems as well as transportation engineering. The speed, the smooth operations, convenience, easy maintenance has made it is a basic need for any developing country to manage the transportation of citizens.

48. Plasma Rail Gun

Plasma Rail Gun

About the project

A plasma railgun is a linear accelerator uses two long parallel electrodes to accelerate a "sliding short" armature. In a plasma railgun, the armature and ejected projectile consist of hot, ionized, gas-like particles heated by a very high temperature. Scientific plasma railguns are operated in a vacuum.

49. Light Gas Gun

Light Gas Gun

The light-gas gun is an apparatus for physics experiments, a highly specialized gun designed to generate very high velocities. Basically adopted to study and understand the high-speed impact phenomena, leading to the formation of impact craters by meteorites or the erosion of materials by micrometeoroids. Some basic materials research relies on projectile impact to create high pressure: such systems are capable of forcing liquid hydrogen into a metallic state.

50. Space Gun

Space Gun

A space gun is a method of launching an object into space using a large gun or cannons. Space guns provide a method of non-rocket space launch. It has been conjectured that space guns could place satellites into Earth's and could launch spacecraft beyond Earth's gravitational pull and into other parts of the Solar System by exceeding Earth's escape velocity of about 11.2 km/s or 40,320 km/h or 25,050 mph.

51. Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

To run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a systematic manner we require a computerized management system. A computerized management system helps in storing, retrieving and modifying data more efficiently. So, in this project, you are going to address one of these kinds of a problem by developing a software for banking management system using C++ and Oracle 11g.

52. Railway Embankment Improvement Technique

Railway Embankment Improvement Technique

In this era, development of infrastructure such as roadway, bridges, various buildings etc. are increasing exponentially. Due to insufficient quantity of useful land and strength of soil, engineers improve the soil properties like bulk density, strength etc. by adopting different techniques. In areas of loose deposits, ground improvement is required to check the required performance.

53. Crack Width of Retard Bonded Partially Pre-stressed Concrete Beam

Crack Width of Retard Bonded Partially Pre-stressed Concrete Beam

Retard-bonded prestressed concrete has been in use for twenty years and is a new and distinctive prestressed system. Mechanical and service property

54. Library Management System using SQL and C++

Library Management System using SQL and C++

A large organization uses a huge amount of data every day. Again with time the amount of data keeps on increasing. Keeping a record of those data using pen and paper is not advisable as physical data can be misplaced and difficult to retrieve. So, to run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a meaning full manner, we require a computerized management system. In this project, you will be addressing one of this kind of problem, which is the management of a library by developing an application using C++ and Oracle 11g.

55. Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

The design and fabrication of a braking system is a difficult task. The application of brakes using vacuum in automobiles is a more difficult task in the initial stages of the work. But it has been successfully proved that such brake application is possible with the fail-safe condition. While implementing this idea on a heavy vehicle, it is better to replace the manually operated directional control valve with solenoid operated directional control valve to reduce driver effort and also it will work like a brake pedal switch. In this project, you will design and fabricate a vacuum braking system for a Train.

56. Buckling Load Analysis of Sigmoid Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beam on Pasternak Elastic Foundation

Buckling Load Analysis of Sigmoid Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beam on Pasternak Elastic Foundation

The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials. In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age). Thus, tens of thousands of different materials have evolved with rather specialized characteristics of materials. Many of our modern technologies require materials with unusual combinations of properties that cannot be met by the conventional metal alloys, Ceramics & Polymeric materials. In this project, you will get to know about a Functionally Graded Composite material which kind of solve the above problems. You will analyze this material using the Finite Element Method by modelling it using MATLAB.

57. Domestic Thermal Insulation with Sugarcane Composite

Domestic Thermal Insulation with Sugarcane Composite

On this modern age the composite materials are become the primary material for any engineering production because composite materials have several specific properties such as high strength to weight ratio, low cost, and ease of fabrication, tensile strength, compressive strength, Impact strength, high resistance to thermal which does not realize in pure material or non-composite material. Because of its vast application, a Mechanical Engineer should know how to fabricate and teste a composite material. In this project, you will be using two waste materials i.e. bagasse and waste plastic to produce a composite. The composite can be used for the purpose of heat insulation which we can apply in our rooftops or any place where we can reduce the heat transfer. The main aspect of our project is to produce something useful out of waste materials.


58. Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water is the world’s most precious resource, yet it is also the one which is almost universally mismanaged. As a result, water shortages are becoming ever more common. Leakages, overflow of water and bursting of pipes these all most common in waste of water. So as to detect all these problems here you are going to work on the building, tank water level sensing monitoring and water pipeline leakage sensing monitoring system.

59. Stabilization of Expansive Soil using Sugarcane Straw Ash

Stabilization of Expansive Soil using Sugarcane Straw Ash

Expansive soils are very hard when dry, but loses its strength completely in wet condition and these expansive soil poses several problems for civil engineering works like road construction, building construction etc. Soil stabilization in one of the important features for construction because it improves the engineering properties of soil such as strength, durability & stability. In this project, an attempt is made to increase the strength of expansive soils by using sugarcane straw ash.

60. Paper Batteries

Paper Batteries

Today the biggest problem we are facing in the electronics industry is the size of the battery as gadgets get thinner and smaller day by day.

61. Analysis of Perforated Fin Array

Analysis of Perforated Fin Array

This project focuses on the design and thermal analysis of rectangular fin array with perforation and without perforation. Fins are commonly used to increase

62. Analysis of Vertical Pump

Analysis of Vertical Pump

Vertical Turbine Pumps are the centrifugal pumps which are mounted vertically. Generally, turbine pumps have constant head and fluid flows uniformly at high pressure. Natural frequencies of a vertical turbine pump are

63. Design Verification of Car Bonnet

Design Verification of Car Bonnet

The strength assessment of the hood assembly is important when it comes to meet the design standards. The hood assembly is an important system in a car from the safety point of view and has a direct relationship with the appearance aspect of the car.

64. Analysis of Diagrid Structure using ETABS

Analysis of Diagrid Structure using ETABS

Urban population has seen a rapid growth in the past decade and the consequent pressure on limited space have consequently influenced the residential development in the city.

65. Innovative Ground Storage

Innovative Ground Storage

Solar energy is a very important source of energy and has a very high potential. The main problems connected to its utilization are its low intensity and availability. Utilization of solar energy in the building sector is needed for the purpose of either heating or cooling.

66. Impact of Truck on Bridge Piers

Impact of Truck on Bridge Piers

Impact by moving trucks is the major leading cause of bridge failure or collapse in any country. As per AASHTO LRFD Guide specification, bridge piers should be designed by applying 400 kips static load and height of 4ft to improve impact resistance,

67. Dynamic Study of Soil Parameters

Dynamic Study of Soil Parameters

For any foundation work it is very much necessary to study the mechanical parameter of soil before the concreting starts. To study the parameters on the deep foundation works,

68. StarTram


About the project

The new generation launching system StarTram is a proposal for a maglev space launch system. The initial Generation 1 facility would be cargo only, launching from a mountain peak at an altitude of 3 to 7 kilometres with an evacuated tube staying at local surface level; it has been claimed that about 150,000 tons could be lifted to orbit annually.

69. Perpendicular Wind Turbines

Perpendicular Wind Turbines

About the project

Perpendicular Wind Turbines. Rising sea levels and escalating pollution levels has generated worldwide interest and has given rise to new wind turbines designs.(Check out EWICON, Bladeless windmill)

70. Electromagnetic propulsion System

Electromagnetic propulsion System

About the project

Electromagnetic propulsion (EMP), is the principle of accelerating an object by the flowing electrical current and magnetic fields. The electrical current is used to create an opposing magnetic field for repell. When a current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field, an electromagnetic force known as a Lorentz force, pushes the conductor to perpendicular to the conductor and the magnetic field.

71. Reconnaissance Drone

Reconnaissance Drone

About the project

Drones are everywhere in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be approximately 7 million drones in the sky and looking the trend it is important to ensure that drone enthusiasts are operating in a peaceful and safe manner.

72. Mivan Formwork Technology

Mivan Formwork Technology

The increase in urban population is a challenging thing for civil engineers in the housing sector. With the help of old conventional methods, it is not possible to meet the various demands of inhabitants. New construction technologies need in the housing sector, to meet these demands at a faster pace. Mivan formwork is one of the modern technologies that comes under advanced technologies list.

73. Use of Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Materials in Soil Stabilization

Use of Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste Materials in Soil Stabilization

The increased waste in the construction industry causes a major problem for disposal operation. The waste materials from construction activities are heavy in weight and occupy more storage space. In India out of 48 million tones of solid waste generated, construction waste make up 25%. Concrete and masonry waste can be recycled by sorting, crushing and sieving into recycled aggregates. This recycled aggregates can be used to make concrete for road construction, soil stabilization, etc. The re-use of waste material is an important factor in point of sustainability.

74. Modular Buildings

Modular Buildings

The construction sector is one of the largest industry in the world. If the time required to complete a construction project is more, it will result in an increased cost.

75. Parking management in urban areas

Parking management in urban areas

Nowadays most of the cities are facing huge problems with traffic congestion. The number of cars being used nowadays has rapidly increased.

76. Floating Construction

Floating Construction

Global warming is leading to a rise in sea surface temperatures which led to an increase in sea levels. Many people live by the sea and are dependent on it for their livelihood.

77. Application of Augmented Reality in Construction

Application of Augmented Reality in Construction

There are many advanced technologies emerged in the construction industry over conventional methods. The use of these technologies is to save time and increase work efficiency.

78. Robot Swarm Construction

Robot Swarm Construction

The construction industry is different from other industries due to its large-scale projects, high investments, and other reasons.

79. 3D Printed Houses

3D Printed Houses

With more technological advancement in the architecture industry, we are able to experience more new innovations every year.

80. Determination of California Bearing Ratio of Soil using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Determination of California Bearing Ratio of Soil using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a key parameter to ensure the strength of soil. Indian Road Congress (IRC) is also recommended the CBR values as an indicator of subgrade soil strength.

81. Effect on compressive strength of concrete with the addition of solid waste

Effect on compressive strength of concrete with the addition of solid waste

The disposal of waste materials is always been a major problem for environmental engineers. Solid waste has the most adverse effect on the environment compared to liquid waste.

82. Bamboo as a building material

Bamboo as a building material

Bamboo is one of the oldest traditional building materials used by mankind. They are the largest members of the grass family and are the fastest-growing in the world.

83. E-waste Management Project

E-waste Management Project

Electronic industry is the world’s largest and innovative industry for its kind. Every year tons of electronic items get shipped over oceans. Yet, after their usage time, they become a complex waste matter. It consists of many hazardous heavy metals, acids, toxic chemicals, and non-degradable plastics.

84. Solid Waste Management Using GIS

Solid Waste Management Using GIS

Solid waste management is one of the major problems in today's modern world. Improper planning and execution are the main causes of this problem. Also, an increase in population and urbanization increasing the solid waste load on disposal areas at a much faster pace.

85. Application of Nanotechnology in Construction Industry

Application of Nanotechnology in Construction Industry

The construction industry is growing day by day with new inventions and advanced technologies. These new changes eliminating the errors of conventional methods.

86. Health Monitoring Drone

Health Monitoring Drone

Heartbeat sensing without some physical connection utilizing signal and image processing is one of the best techniques. This drone project gives an effective way for remotely estimating heart rate and respiratory rate from video recorded by a flying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Image-processing systems connected with particularly designed algorithms support drones to detect changes in people at once, while people are moving. 

87. Forward swept wing RC aircraft

Forward swept wing RC aircraft

Swept wing is a type of wing configuration used in fixed-wing aircraft. There are two types: Swept-back (wing is angled backward) and Swept forward (wing is angled forward). This project deals with the fabrication of forward-swept wing remotely controlled aircraft. Forward-swept wing aircrafts are highly maneuverable (ability to change direction quickly) at low speeds and drag produced is also low compared to backward-swept wing aircraft. The characteristic "sweep angle" is usually estimated by drawing a path from root to tip, twenty-five percent of the way back from the leading edge, and matching that to the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.  Wing sweep has the effect of delaying the shock waves and accompanying aerodynamic drag rise caused by fluid compressibility.

88. Laser Propulsion

Laser Propulsion

Launching satellites through Laser powered launch vehicle give low-cost access to space because no need to carry any onboard propellants and pollution is also reduced. Laser propulsion is a type of laser-powered thrust where the power source is a remote laser arrangement and separate from the response mass.

89. Quadrotor using Arduino

Quadrotor using Arduino

In the modern world, it takes more than the required time to reach from one place to another, thus we must look forward to some airways. A Quadrotor is one of the flying unit used to lift the object from one place to another in lesser time and it finds high demand in industrial and surveillance sectors. For industry-level applications quadrotors are built using pre-programmed Flight Controllers which will have inbuilt gyroscope and accelerometer, but for smaller applications, it is not applicable. By using Arduino as a flight controller for quadrotor we can make it efficient and affordable for smaller applications.

90. Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm

Drone swarm is a way towards the coordination of many drones as a single system. Multi-robot systems own greater adaptability, performance, and safety than individual robots, a crew of collaborative robots can do a particular task much quicker and execute tasks beyond the limits. Swarm robots can perform a complex task easily with the help of many specialized simple robots. Drone Swarm is the mixed technology of swarm robotics and UAV systems.

91. Cylinder-shaped Coaxial Drone

Cylinder-shaped Coaxial Drone

In today’s world drones are widely used for various applications. A lot of cool things can be done with the help of drones. Drones with quad configuration are used for major application because of the following reasons: simple in design, agility and easy to control. But the quad configuration has some disadvantages like more power consumption compared to tri and twin copters, Quad frame occupies more area and flight time is also less.

92. Drone-hunting Drone

Drone-hunting Drone

Drones are popular due to their simplicity, agility and wide range of applications. But drones are also used for illegal activities like destroying property, smuggling, injuring people, spying and so on. Illegal usage of drones became a global issue. Now that anyone can become a drone pilot with some basic knowledge in drone and some few hundred bucks. With the flooded technology in the market, it is difficult to prevent the misuse of drones. A large-sized commercial plane can be easily grounded using a small drone.

93. Racing Drone

Racing Drone

Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which finds application in different fields. Nowadays drone racing gained more popularity and experts claim it will be even more popular in the near future. However, drones used for racing are not the same as the commercial drones used for photography and delivery. Racing drones are small quads that specially built for racing. They are designed to be more agile and travel at higher speeds to perform complex stunts.

94. Compressed Air Powered Drone

Compressed Air Powered Drone

Drones are evolving day by day as more investment and innovative ideas bring advanced drones to the market. Drones are used for various applications like surveillance, delivering packages, inspecting crops, firefighting and so on. In this project, you will learn about a drone that is controlled by compressed air. Generally, drones are powered by electric motors to produce thrust and to control the direction. Using electric motors will increase the drone weight and it consumes more power. So, large-sized batteries are required to power the drone for a longer period.

95. Window washing drone

Window washing drone

Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which are remotely operated by a pilot or with the help of computers. In earlier days drones were used only for military purpose, With the evolution in technology and to reduce the risk of humans later drones are developed for civil purposes like mapping, surveying, firefighting and so on.

96. Design and analysis of fuel system for Velocity XL

Design and analysis of fuel system for Velocity XL

The VELOCITY-XL aircraft is a long-range aircraft with the latest technology in aerodynamics and structure to provide good maneuverability facilities and stealth mode. This can move 1100-miles cross country trips at speeds above 190 MPH while carrying four adults and baggage in total comfort. These airplanes perform best at altitudes of 8,000-11,000 feet. Landing requires a speed of about 85 MPH and a 1,500 feet long landing strip.

97. Composite bonded patch for fuselage panel

Composite bonded patch for fuselage panel

Fiber-reinforced polymer composite is the preferred material for the construction of aircraft and spacecraft. Even used as structural materials for the development of fuselage and due to its applications in the various field, it is used as a primary source for designing aircraft.

Aircraft safety is improving by analyzing the defects in the fuselage and catastrophic failure investigations on aircraft structural components. The primary cause of failure identification and the analysis enable recommendations for corrective action.

98. Detachable Wings

Detachable Wings

The main purpose of this project is to minimize the loss of life in times of catastrophic failure of the hydraulic system or case of failure of engines. A new design concept that has the potential to save the lives of a thousand passengers in the event of an air crash. The notion involves the redesigning of a plane with the detachable wings that would eject during the emergency to touch down on land or water safety. It is the method of detaching the wings from an aircraft which is in the state of an unrecoverable stall, which could add up to damage in time of catastrophe.

In this project, we are going to fabricate an aircraft with detachable wings and the Orion parachute system (3 parachutes). Later creating a 3D model of an aircraft and run analysis over the model and obtain the results. At last a field test is conducted based on flight data requirements.

99. Fabrication of composite using cactus and coconut fibre

Fabrication of composite using cactus and coconut fibre

In today’s world, the search for new materials with innovative mechanical properties and sustainability is important. In spite of many advantages, natural fibers have some disadvantages like low thermal resistance, high moisture absorption, etc.

100. Design of landing gear linkage by using composite material

Design of landing gear linkage by using composite material

The landing gear is a structure, which supports the aircraft in the ground. A major part of aircrafts load is transferred to the landing gear during take-off and landing. These loads are then transferred to the airframe through landing gear beams. Wheels of the landing gear are added as per the size of the aircraft. The position of the landing gear depends on the design, type, and load of the aircraft. Some landing gear is mounted on wing and some under the fuselage.

In this project, we are going to create and analyze a 2D and 3D model of lug attachments in the landing gear.

101. Design and flow analysis of a variable sweep wing on a commercial aircraft

Design and flow analysis of a variable sweep wing on a commercial aircraft

A variable-sweep wing is a type of wing configuration, that changes the sweep angle of the wing during flight. This is a concept of hybrid wings used for a sudden increase in velocity and aerobatic purpose.

102. Design, fabrication and testing of eagle wing configuration for ornithopter

Design, fabrication and testing of eagle wing configuration for ornithopter

An ornithopter is a type of aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Designers try to mimic the flight of birds, bats, and insects.

In this project, we are going to design and develop a scaled 3D model of ornithopter resembling an eagle. Then, kinematic data is obtained from the 3D model of ornithopter and fabricated to the required dimensions.

103. Fabrication and testing of light weight composites for UAV

Fabrication and testing of light weight composites for UAV

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a pilot on board.

In this project, our main objective is to fabricate a composite material combining depron, glass fiber, and balsawood strips to form three different combinations of composite material.

104. Everything You Need To Know About U-Boot Beton technology

Everything You Need To Know About U-Boot Beton technology

The evolution in the technology has created many advantages, especially where high rise buildings of any height can be built but it requires more steel.

Thus, the demand for steel is rising and the construction cost of the structure is also not in control. To make it control a new technology called U-Boot Beton technology is used.

This emerging technology uses environmental friendly recycled polypropylene, that reduces the thickness and weight of the slab.

105. Design of Intersection

Design of Intersection

Nowadays, the rate of increase in road traffic is very high. Especially in developing countries like India facing the problems of traffic due to bad junction design. This junction or intersection is not designed for today’s traffic so the congestion is taking place. This congestion of the traffic at the intersection is very crucial because the traffic performance at the intersection affects the traffic of the whole road map.

106. Use of Aluminium In Building Construction

Use of Aluminium In Building Construction

The Aluminium element was discovered 200 years ago. After the technological development, Aluminium alloy is being used in structural applications even in the civil engineering field. It is the 2nd highly used metal after steel, and it is been used in all sectors from commercial building to a domestic dwelling. In the UK about 40% of Aluminium is used only in the construction industry which will be equal to 150000 tonnes of Aluminium per year.

107. Geo Polymer Brick

Geo Polymer Brick

Conventional bricks are the most important construction material and used extensively throughout India. But using these bricks that are made by earth (clay) is harmful to the environment because bricks are made from clay which is good in quality and only available from agricultural fields.

108. Causes, Prevention and treatment of damp in buildings

Causes, Prevention and treatment of damp in buildings

Damp is identified as one of the agents which can easily deteriorate a structure and weaken the strength of the building. Hence the life-span of the building is not attained as per the design period. The unwanted moisture that presents in part of the structure is called Damp. The Damp may occur due to seepage of rainwater from the outside environment or due to condensation within the structure.

109. Cement Stabilized Masonry Interlocking Blocks

Cement Stabilized Masonry Interlocking Blocks

The requirements of construction materials are increasing day by day due to the continued infrastructural growth. Because of this large quantity of waste is also generated every year. Waste generated from the aluminium industries like aluminium hydroxide and many more wastes are generated from the industries while processing the raw materials.

110. Conversion of coffee grounds into Renewable Energy

Conversion of coffee grounds into Renewable Energy

Biodiesel is a decent substitute for fossil fuel. In recent years biodiesel produced from animal fats and vegetable oil has grown attention. One of the reasons for this is Biodiesel is eco-friendly.

111. Electricity Generation from sugar mill waste using microbes

Electricity Generation from sugar mill waste using microbes

Nowadays a lot of waste is being generated daily. Developing countries like India, Brazil, Afghanistan are facing severe problem due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization. If the waste is not treated properly it will pollute the environment.

112. Treatment of Effluent With Teak Leaves and Banana Trunk

Treatment of Effluent With Teak Leaves and Banana Trunk

Water is the main source that runs the world. Water is used in almost every industry for production, servicing and so on. As a result of this, a heavy volume of water is being extracted and used. Then it is discharged in the form of effluent.

113. Imporvement of Bearing Capacity of Sandy soils by grounting

Imporvement of Bearing Capacity of Sandy soils by grounting

In the world of rapid urbanisation, the construction of buildings is been increasing day by day. Due to the limitation of the land tall buildings are encouraged.

114. Preparation of Concrete using Gold Mine Waste

Preparation of Concrete using Gold Mine Waste

The Rapid increase in urbanisation and industrialisation lead to the construction of huge buildings and factories. So, the usage of concrete is also increased. As concrete is made of the limestone which is a natural resource, it is exhausted by extreme usage.

115. Hydropower using Treated Sewage Water

Hydropower using Treated Sewage Water

Urban migration is the major reason for the generation of large amounts of sewage water. To overcome that large number of sewage treatment plants are built.

116. Ocean Electricity

Ocean Electricity

There are different electricity sources and from them some cause high pollution to the environment and while others are free from pollution but the efficiency is very less. If there is no water in the dam then there is no electricity from the hydroelectric station.

117. Noise Absorbing materials using Agro Waste Products

Noise Absorbing materials using Agro Waste Products

Increase in population increases the number of vehicles and because of that both air and noise pollution are increased. Not only from the traffic but noise pollution is also produced from industries and also usage of many mechanical and electrical appliances has created this heavy dosage noise pollution.

118. Artificial Turf

Artificial Turf

Artificial turf is a natural grass like looking surface made of synthetic fibers. It is generally used in sports grounds which are meant to played on grass.

119. Sustainable Energy Generation from Septic Tank

Sustainable Energy Generation from Septic Tank

Non-renewable energy sources are coming to an end as they are depended on the sources like coal, petrol. So, renewable energy generation is the right way to overcome energy demands.

Electricity is one of the important social need and many types of research are also going on in the generation of non-conventional electricity. Many countries are investing a large amount of money over renewable energy sources like solar energy and wind energy. But it consumes more space as well as a huge capital to build. They also cause pollution to the environment and need much manpower. It also requires raw materials to construct the setup.

Septic tanks are built in every residential house. The function of the septic tank is to reduce the pollution and content of pollutants in the wastewater. This is automatically done by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the septic tank. The septic tank provides favourable conditions for these anaerobic bacteria. This bacteria feeds on the organic material that presents in human waste and converts them into H+ ions and also produce a slight amount of methane gas.

120. Water Purification using the Pedal System

Water Purification using the Pedal System

Earth is also known as the blue planet as 75% of its surface is covered by the water. But there is a lack of drinking water on earth. This is because only 2% of 75% of water is meant for drinking and irrigation purpose.

121. Underwater Turbines

Underwater Turbines

We are in an era where we can’t live without electricity even for ten minutes. The major proportion of electricity is produced is from non-conventional or non-renewable sources. Thermal power station alone accounts for about 70 - 80% of the electricity generation.  And the remaining is produced by hydro, wind, etc.

122. Measurement of soil water Using Ground penetrating Radar

Measurement of soil water Using Ground penetrating Radar

It is very important to measure soil water content. The change in the content of water in the soil will have significant influence over the deformation characteristics and strength of the soil. It also affects groundwater flow and surface constructions.

123. Soil stabilization using Plant Roots

Soil stabilization using Plant Roots

Soil bioengineering is the process of using the plants and their resources to stabilize the soil. The strength of the roots is used to stabilize and increase the strength of the natural and man-made soil. This technique is already used in many countries including in India.

124. Comparative analysis of multi storey building with and without soft storey for seismic actions

Comparative analysis of multi storey building with and without soft storey for seismic actions

Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.

Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.

125. Effect of shear wall on l-shaped buildings

Effect of shear wall on l-shaped buildings

Construction of buildings is usually done on flat grounds, but due to the scarcity of flat grounds buildings are constructed on sloping grounds. Sloping grounds are those which are at an inclined level from the normal ground.

126. Prediction of compressive strength of concrete by machine learning

Prediction of compressive strength of concrete by machine learning

Compressive strength is the resistance of a material to break under compression. The compression test is usually performed in a universal testing machine. This varies from tabletop to large machines. To avoid large machines, we have introduced machine learning and automation in construction.

127. Application of drones in construction

Application of drones in construction

Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.

Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.

128. Soil stabilization by using bio-polymers

Soil stabilization by using bio-polymers

Just like other construction materials soil has its own scientific analysis with regards to its abilities in dealing with forces. Soil is one of the most complex materials in civil engineering to the point that when it comes to the factor of safety in designing structures like foundations, or soil-based constructions.

129. Autoclave aerated blocks

Autoclave aerated blocks

The current development in technology has introduced us many building materials, so that the construction process goes in an ease. But due to demand of high rise buildings, the weight of the building is rising due to use of traditional constructional materials like bricks for wall construction and hence the cost of construction is going on increasing and hence some new building materials should be introduced such that the dead load on the building should be reduced.

130. Automatic answer evaluation machine

Automatic answer evaluation machine

Evaluation of subjective or text based answers has been a hurdle in the development of eLearning systems since a very long time. The problem related to evaluation of subjective answers is that each student has his/her own way of answering and it is difficult to determine the degree of correctness.

131. Light transmitting concrete

Light transmitting concrete

The advancement in the technology has given us many types of concrete like plain cement concrete, high strength concrete and many other.

132. Removal of fluoride from water using iron oxide-hydroxide nanoparticles

Removal of fluoride from water using iron oxide-hydroxide nanoparticles

Nowadays it is very hard to find drinking water which is free from bacterias and viruses and hence drinking these type of water reflects the human health.

133. Application of smart toilet

Application of smart toilet

With the growing technology, many advances have been made in toilets. Due to these advancements and growing population, many diseases are occurring which are causing harm to human health.

Hence to overcome these issues. The concept of a smart toilet is discovered. This is a recently developed technology, that can be easily used and helps in the prevention of many diseases.

A smart toilet is an electronic bidet or a bathroom plumbing fixture that has the working of a traditional bidet with some added developments of smart home technology.

By the technology development, a special concept intelligent public toilet was developed it has added advantages over a traditional toilet.


Technologies developed in smart toilet

  1. Intelligence
  • It has the advancement to keep the bidet hygienic even when the bidet was used improperly by the occupants
  • These have interiors that are very luxurious and are free from touch operations.
  • These toilets are an example of providing world-class hygiene.
  1. Self-cleaning jet spray using pressure
  • We maintain our toilets at home but it is not in the case of public toilets
  • Shortage of labor is another problem
  • This system consists of timer and pressure sprays, perforated floors and stainless steel body which helps in self-cleaning.
  1. Structure and fabrication
  • Tamper-proof and rust-proof toilet body are fabricated.
  • Operational features like air-conditioners, solar panels, and biomembrane tanks are provided.
  • These are smart systems in which at most care to water and power.

  1. Cost-effectiveness
  • These require regular monitoring and attention but with less frequency per unit
  • These also save material and labor costs.
  1. Automated minimum user contact
  • These have systems that are automated and hence the user cannot use the components roughly and hence there is prevention in loss of material.
  • The user here can manually bolt the door from inside.


Environmental applications

  • Helps in reducing the usage of toilet papers
  • Helps in reducing the usage of water by 1.0-1.8 gallons of water.

Recent applications

  • Hundertwasser toilets: These are recently used in New-Zealand
  • Modern toilet restaurant: These are recently used in restaurants of Taiwan
  • National poo museum: These are recently used in museums of the isle of Wight

134. Thermal bridging

Thermal bridging

Due to the development in high rise buildings proper method of ventilation is not provided, due to which effective heat transfer doesn’t take place.

135. Road power generation

Road power generation

Have you ever imagined the amount of traffic in our city and its adverse effects on our health?

136. Modular construction methods

Modular construction methods

The advancement in construction methods and technologies are increasing day by day and the demand of the buildings are also increasing due to the demanding needs of the growing population

137. Application of predictive software

Application of predictive software

Due to the advancement in the technology many high-rise buildings are constructed. It requires many technologies for its existence.

138. Cloud collaboration

Cloud collaboration

The technology is continuously developing and the methods of construction are also evolving. Due to the increasing demand of the people, the latest technologies are developed.

139. Replacement of chemical fertilizers by biofertilizers

Replacement of chemical fertilizers by biofertilizers

With the advancement in technology and growing nations, many things are developed in the field of construction and agriculture.

140. Image retrieval

Image retrieval

Due to the emerging technologies and advancements in the growth of computers the data and the information are growing day by day.

141. Magnesium doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles

Magnesium doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles

With the advancement in technology and growing nations, many things are developed in the field of construction and chemical industry.

142. Swarm optimization

Swarm optimization

Due to the advancement in technology many software’s are developed and this has also lead to development of various parts of software

143. Medicine dispenser

Medicine dispenser

With the recent development in technologies, many innovative products are arising and their development is making the life of people better day by day

144. Improvement of aircraft accident investigation through expert systems

Improvement of aircraft accident investigation through expert systems

Now AVIATION is in a period of sustained growth, and that growth is likely to continue. Every year, millions of consumers use airlines to travel around the world. Despite the huge progress in air safety, accidents and incidents do happen and cause injuries and the destruction of property.

145. Fundamental aerodynamics of the soccer ball

Fundamental aerodynamics of the soccer ball

Many sports involve kicking, smashing, hitting or throwing a ball. However, all playing balls are affected by air or any fluid dynamically. In this study, we compared the aerodynamic coefficients in wind tunnel experiment of fully rotating and non-rotating soccer balls and to clarify their aerodynamic properties titanium chloride visualization method is used to find vortex dynamics of soccer balls in flight

146. Design and analysis of winged hovercraft

Design and analysis of winged hovercraft

The hovercraft design for minor, average, and huge load or military vehicles allows traveling from very slow to average to high speeds over water or land. A vehicle of this design is 150% more effective than current aircraft, 20 times faster than load carrying ships, and capable of going to other landmasses. The project can be adapted to a gathering of fast, military, over-water vehicles of any size capable of portable over any landscape.

147. Design and simulation procedure of a 2D aircraft nozzle

Design and simulation procedure of a 2D aircraft nozzle

A nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow. The purpose of the nozzle, in subsonic flow, is to constrict the airflow, thus critically increasing the thrust as it leaves the engine.



A nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow. The purpose of the nozzle, in subsonic flow, is to constrict the airflow, thus critically increasing the thrust as it leaves the engine.

149. Analysis of 2D Compressible flow over airfoil using ANSYS Fluent

Analysis of 2D Compressible flow over airfoil using ANSYS Fluent

An airfoil-shaped body moving through a fluid produces an aerodynamic force. Some important constraints to describe an airfoil's shape are its camber and its thickness. For example, an airfoil of the NACA 4-digit series such as the NACA 2415 describes an airfoil with a camber of 0.02 chord located at 0.40 chord, with 0.15 chord of maximum thickness.

150. Meshing and analysis of a 2D pipe using ICEM CFD and ANSYS Fluent

Meshing and analysis of a 2D pipe using ICEM CFD and ANSYS Fluent

ICEM is a software developed by ICEM CFD engineering which provides classy geometry tools for mesh generation, pre-processing and mesh optimization tools. It is used for manufacturing applications such as computational fluid dynamics and mechanical analysis.

151. Propeller design using catia v5

Propeller design using catia v5

A propeller is a distinct type of fan that translates rotational motion into thrust by producing a pressure difference in the nearby fluid. Typical fans and propellers have the same physics, yet a fan is generally still, while a propeller causes the object to be in motion. Propeller is a main component in several industrial designs regarding rotating machinery.

152. Flow analysis over 3d airfoil wing using ANSYS WORKBENCH

Flow analysis over 3d airfoil wing using ANSYS WORKBENCH

An airfoil-shaped body moving through a fluid produces an aerodynamic force. Some important constraints to describe an airfoil's shape are its camber and its thickness.

153. Flow analysis over a cylinder using ICM CFD

Flow analysis over a cylinder using ICM CFD

ICEM is a software developed by ICEM CFD engineering which provides classy geometry tools for mesh generation, pre-processing and mesh optimization tools. It is used for manufacturing applications such as computational fluid dynamics and mechanical analysis.

154. Flow analysis of aerofoil using ICM CFD

Flow analysis of aerofoil using ICM CFD

An airfoil-shaped body moving through a fluid produces an aerodynamic force Some important constraints to describe an airfoil's shapes are its camber and its thickness.

155. Design and simulation of a jet engine nozzle using ANSYS ICEM CFD

Design and simulation of a jet engine nozzle using ANSYS ICEM CFD

A nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow. The purpose of the nozzle, in subsonic flow, is to constrict the airflow, thus critically increasing the thrust as it leaves the engine.

156. Stress analysis of a beam using ANSYS Mechanical APDL

Stress analysis of a beam using ANSYS Mechanical APDL

Beams are descriptions of the building or civil engineering structural elements, but any structures such as motorized automobile frames, plane mechanisms, engine settings, and other or structural systems contain beam constructions that are intended to carry adjacent loads are analyzed

157. CFD Analysis of a car

CFD Analysis of a car

The population on the earth is growing daily and likewise vehicles are also been increasing daily. The rate increase of the vehicles is been increasing considerably.

158. Bubble Deck Slab

Bubble Deck Slab

Concrete is thee majorly used material in the construction industry and it is also evident that it is one of the materials that are in the part of emitting the CO2 into the atmosphere.

159. Wireless Audio transmitter for TV

Wireless Audio transmitter for TV

We all love to watch TV, don't we? Whether it's India’s cricket match or your mother's favorite serial, it is safe to say, that every Indian household would be incomplete without a TV. Ever since its creation, the TV has been changing the way we consume media.

160. Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine

Humans have been living on Earth for over two thousand years now. Science and technology have helped make our lives easier. But with more comfort and ease, comes some negative aspects. These adverse effects have mainly been towards the ecology and environment.

161. Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Stock market prediction is the way of predicting future prices and values of the companies. This application will give investors more confidence to invest in a particular company. By using this application, the investors can keep track of the profits and losses in the stocks. The application is developed through a machine learning model and is used to predict stock prices.

162. Wine Quality Prediction using Linear Regression

Wine Quality Prediction using Linear Regression

Wine predictor is used for predicting the quality and taste of wine on a scale of 0-10. It requires a set of inputs, which is based on many other parameters such as acidity, concentration, etc. The project involves the concept of machine learning, which thoroughly studies the pattern and data and predicts the results.

163. Iris Flower Classification using Machine Learning

Iris Flower Classification using Machine Learning

Project on Iris Flower Classification using machine learning is simple and is one of the most basic projects if someone wants to learn about machine learning. This project is basically used to differentiate between three species of the Iris flower, which are setosa, versicolor, and virginica.

164. How to Predict Bigmart Sales with Machine Learning(ML)

How to Predict Bigmart Sales with Machine Learning(ML)

Bigmart is a vast supermarket chain which is located nearly at every megacity. The sales of Bigmart are very crucial, and data scientists study those patterns per product and per store to decide about the new centers. Using machine learning to predict Bigmart sales enables the data scientist to do so, as it studies the various patterns per store and per product to give accurate results.

165. Social Media Sentiment Analysis using twitter dataset

Social Media Sentiment Analysis using twitter dataset

Sentiment analysis is basically the computational determination of whether the piece of content is positive or negative. This analysis is also known as Opinion Mining; it earns a great use in today’s world. This application can be helpful in deciding the sentiments in the tweets of the people. As Twitter is a huge platform for opinions, and it affects a large number of people, the application can be helpful in reducing the hatred on the Internet.

166. Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

Health Care Improvement using Machine Learning

There are various potential projects in healthcare that are based on machine learning algorithms. In this project, we will discuss the heart-related disease diagnosis application, which is built with the concept of data analysis and machine learning. There is a great demand for this project in the real world, also, as doctors throughout the world want to detect the disease accurately.

167. Enron Investigation

Enron Investigation

The mysterious bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation has led to the development of this project. This project is built to investigate this case on the huge data set of this fraud business, which took place in December 2001. The data set mainly comprises the millions of e-mails sent to and from the executives of the company during the year 2000-2002. The nature of emails was reported to be suspicious, and hence it was not possible for anyone to decide nature.

168. MNIST handwritten digit classification

MNIST handwritten digit classification

MNSIT simply stands for Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology dataset. The application is based on machine learning of the huge data set available, and it helps to recognize a particular digit into a class of 10. The application is widely used in visual training and digit recognition. The application also uses many algorithms and classifiers.

169. RC Hovercraft using Arduino

RC Hovercraft using Arduino

Hovercrafts are vehicles that travel over the cushion of air created with the help of motors and propellers. Hovercrafts can reach almost all the terrains on earth. The principle behind the development of air-cushion is the closed plenum effect. The high-pressure air is accumulated below the hull with the help of motors and propellers. The skirt is used to increase the ground clearance of the vehicle which helps to achieve the smooth ride over big tide waves, rocky terrains, etc. In this article, you will learn to build an RC Hovercraft using Arduino.

170. Autonomous Racing Drone

Autonomous Racing Drone

Racing drones can reach speed up to 150 Km/hr. These drones are used by drone enthusiasts for racing, to shoot videos and to perform stunts, etc. By implementing artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques into these drones we can make it autonomous which helps in reaching much higher speeds than the speed achieved during manual control. In this article, you will learn to build an autonomous racing drone from scratch.

171. Ducted Fan Drone

Ducted Fan Drone

Nowadays drones are used in almost all the fields, from this article, you will get an idea to fabricate a ducted fan drone. Ducted fans have the advantage of producing more thrust than a conventional propeller with the same diameter. Ducted fans are silent when compared to the conventional propellers and have reduced blade tip losses which increases efficiency.

Ducted fan drones can be easily operated in indoors or can be flown near to the people. Conventional drones (with propeller) may hurt people or the propellers might get damaged during the indoor flight.

172. CFD Analysis of full car

CFD Analysis of full car

Project Description

A decade ago aerodynamics was insignificant among commercial vehicle manufacturers. It had its application in aerospace industry and F1 or any other racing. Today more and more companies are focusing on aerodynamics of even the mid-range road vehicles. Researches have concluded that with proper optimization of aerodynamics, fuel efficiency improves.

In this project you will learn to use SIM SCALE, an online tool for performing the CFD analysis of a formula style racing car. SIM SCALE allows us to upload and perform analysis online so that we do CFD on even low end computers.

173. How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career. 

In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.

174. Bluetooth controlled RC car

Bluetooth controlled RC car

Design your own Bluetooth controlled RC car. You can do it as a mini project in your academics. In this project, you will learn the types of components used to have input and output, usage of Bluetooth connectivity and interfacing them to other electronic devices like Arduino, raspberry pi.

175. Bird control using Drones

Bird control using Drones

A flock of birds can easily bring down a billion-dollar aircraft. You might have read some news like aircraft is halted or crash happened because of a bird strike. In the US alone there were 142,000 bird strikes happened between 1990 and 2013 which killed 24 people and destroyed 64 civilian aeroplanes.

Birds are not only affecting the aviation industry but also other fields like Agriculture, Marine docks, Football grounds, etc.

In this drone project, we will try to figure out a solution to the above-mentioned problems caused by birds. Nowadays drones gained huge popularity because of the following features such as manoeuvrability, easy to control, low manufacturing cost, etc.

Here we are going to implement drones to scare/control the birds by producing ultrasonic sounds (Bird repellant) without making any harm to the birds as well as the environment.

176. Agricultural drone

Agricultural drone

Nowadays drones are gaining popularity very fast because of their wide range of applications. In this project, we will see how to develop an agricultural drone and what all things can be done using it.

Due to the depletion of natural resources, all the farmers started implementing Precision agriculture (PA). Precision Agriculture is a technique that uses Information Technology to give the crops and soil what exactly is required which ensures sustainability, profitability and protection to the environment.

177. Drones for passenger transport (Drone taxi)

Drones for passenger transport (Drone taxi)

Technological advancement has proved the impossible things as possible. Similarly, the recent innovations in UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) which are commonly known as drones paved the way for the newer way of transportation not only for carrying goods but also to carry humans from one place to another.

Increased usage of Automobiles like cars, bikes in the metro cities escalated the traffic and also increased pollution. To overcome both the issues here we are going to develop a drone project which can able to carry passengers from one place to another like a taxi.

178. Terrain Following Drone

Terrain Following Drone

Drones are getting advanced day by day and their usage also increased in various fields. With the help of drones, you can able to accomplish various types of missions by spending less. In this drone project, we will discuss how to build a drone with terrain following mode using the Mission Planner software.

179. DSP Implementation of Moving object detection and tracking based on MPEG-4

DSP Implementation of Moving object detection and tracking based on MPEG-4

Moving object detection is widely used in fields like aviation, marine, road monitoring for video surveillance and safety purposes. In this Digital signal processing project, we are going to discuss MPEG-4 based moving object detection and tracking system.

MPEG - 4 Moving Picture Experts Group is an organization who is responsible for video encoding standard. When compared to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, MPEG - 4 encodes the video file in a smaller size which is why it is used widely in online streaming platforms and media file transfer. MPEG 2 is used in DVD’s and it has good video quality compared to MPEG 4.

180. Crowd Control using Anti-riot Drone

Crowd Control using Anti-riot Drone

Crowd control and monitoring is a difficult task for the police forces if the strength of the crowd is huge. Usually, the police will use tear gases to disperse the crowds in uncontrolled situations but during this process, the police might be injured to avoid such situations we can use the drone to control the crowds.

With the advancement in technologies, the usage of drones increased a lot. In this drone project, we will propose a solution to this problem.

181. Amphibious Fixed-wing drone

Amphibious Fixed-wing drone

The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in both military and commercial sectors have expanded greatly in recent years. The advancement in technologies paved a way for developing a single vehicle which is capable of working on both Air and underwater environment.

In this drone project, you are going to develop a fixed-wing drone that can able to fly like an aircraft and swim like a fish.

182. Hoverbike


Recent advancement in aerospace and automobile paved the way for new gadgets. Hoverbike is one such innovation which combines the technology of helicopter and bike to make the transportation better.

In this aeronautical project, we will discuss the design consideration, applications and materials used to build the hoverbike. Also, you will learn to build a miniature hoverbike.

183. Modular Drone

Modular Drone

Drones are becoming more popular than ever due to their unimaginable applications and fascinating modifications. Along with their applications, the manufacturing cost of the drones also will increase. To overcome the above problem in this project idea, we are going to propose a solution. The best way to reduce the cost is by reducing the components used.

Modular drones are aerial vehicles which can be modified on the go. A single drone can be modified and used for various purposes. For example, you want the drone to capture high-quality videos - use an HD camera mod or you want to use the drone to convey information - fix the speaker mod or you want the drone to display something - attach the screen mod.

184. Airborne wind energy generation using Aerostat

Airborne wind energy generation using Aerostat

As we are advancing in technology it is necessary to find a newer method of energy generation with minimal damage to the environment. The wind is renewable source energy which will not pollute the environment. The energy generated from the wind almost fulfils the energy requirement of most of the households. But wind turbines have drawbacks like high implementation cost and difficulty in the transportation of components.

Airborne wind energy generation is the only solution to solve the problem. Here the turbine is placed airborne and the power generated is transmitted to the ground with the help of power cables. This saves a lot of cost in the implementation and transportation compared to the conventional wind turbine system.

In this aeronautical project, we are going to develop an airborne wind energy system using lighter than air aircraft.

185. Pick and Place robot simulation in MSC ADAMS

Pick and Place robot simulation in MSC ADAMS

ADAMS is a multi-body dynamics simulation software used by industries to test their product before manufacturing it. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to perform a simulation of Pick and Place robot in MSC ADAMS.

Robots created a revolution in the industry field by automating the manufacturing process and making the output fast. Pick and Place robot is one such robot which is used in industries like automobile, aerospace, embedded system, etc. to speed up the manufacturing process in the assembly line.

The Pick and Place robot have to withstand various loads on its joints and components while functioning. After manufacturing then testing the components will increase the production cost. So with the help of ADAMS multibody simulation software, we are going to simulate the model to find the loads acting on its joints.

186. Airborne wind energy generation using kites

Airborne wind energy generation using kites

Generating power from winds is the purest form of energy generation method when compared to other energy generation methods like thermal powerplant, nuclear power plant, etc. It also doesn’t affect the atmosphere by releasing harmful gases like Carbon dioxide or Carbon monoxide. But for generating electricity from the wind needs a huge setup such as blades, pillars, generators, etc. It also requires a lot of maintenance after the implementation. The cost of setting up the wind turbine is also very high.

In this aeronautical project idea, we will propose an innovative solution to generate electricity from the wind. We are going to develop an Airborne wind energy system to replace the traditional windmills.

Drones are the major innovation of this century which is widely used for various applications. They already proved their ability in various fields. Here we are going to use tethered drones to generate power from the wind. Here the drones are launched in the air and positioned at an altitude of 600-1000 feet. At this altitude, the turbulence of the wind will be less compared to the altitude where the conventional wind turbine is positioned.

187. IC Engine Valve mechanism simulation using MSC ADAMS

IC Engine Valve mechanism simulation using MSC ADAMS

ADAMS is a simulation software widely used by OEMs to test their product by performing various multi-body dynamic simulation to identify the errors and defects. This helps the manufactures to reduce the cost of production. In this tutorial, we will perform a simulation for IC Engine valve mechanism using MSC ADAMS software.

IC engine or Internal combustion engines are the prime movers of the automobile. It converts the heat into work thus the IC engine is also called heat engine. In order to increase the efficiency of the engine, the inlet and exhaust valves should open and close properly. Due to the rapid combustion process, the force exerted over the valve will be more. The actual force exerted over the valve will be difficult to calculate so ADAMS software is used to detect the force exerted on the valves.

188. Improved Speech communication in a car using DSP

Improved Speech communication in a car using DSP


In newly manufactured cars a lot of effort is put on reducing the background noise so that the person in the front seat can hear the voice from the rear seat. The main intension of this DSP project is to increase the audibility between the driver and the rear seat persons. This system is implemented in DSP –system in a test car, a microphone is placed in front of the driver to collect the speech and this microphone filters and remove the main part of the background noise. And loudspeakers are placed in the rear for the passenger to listen from the driver, there is a delay in sound of the driver to reach the passenger which makes the right voice of the driver. This evaluated system shows that there is increased audibility along with the no change in background noise.

189. Multi link Aerial Robot

Multi link Aerial Robot

Drones or Unmanned Aerial vehicles are used widely to do various things in fields like logistics, rescue, surveillance, inspection, and many more. More innovations are happening in the structure of the aerial vehicles to reduce the size of the aerial robot to make it more agile. Multirotors are more stable than fixed-wing but the size of the drone and the rotor positioning make it inaccessible in small areas.

In this drone project, we will try to implement biomimicry design in aerial robots to solve the structural issue in accessing small areas. Aerial transformation is one way to solve the problem. Here we are going to implement a biomimicry design similar to snake with the help of multi-link structure. This provides the ability of multi-degree of freedom aerial transformation. 

190. Gearbox diagnosis using DSP

Gearbox diagnosis using DSP


This DSP project is based on vibration analysis procedure. This method has a quick way to implement in the existing method by attaching accelerometers outside the gearbox. By using this method we can easily identify the condition of gearbox. This method completely depends on the vibration frequencies in the gearbox.

191. Pre-Encoded Multipliers Based on Non-Redundant Radix-4 Signed-Digit Encoding for DSP Applications

Pre-Encoded Multipliers Based on Non-Redundant Radix-4 Signed-Digit Encoding for DSP Applications

Overview: A enormous number of multiplications with coefficients that don’t alter during the strangulation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and intermedia applications like Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and audio/video pamphlets whose toted out it. The optimized architecture block of the multiplier is very necessary because this is the vital component for realizing computationally protracted applications and it’s influenced complete system performance.

By the use of Canonic Signed Digit (CSD) delineation, regular coefficients can be ciphered to enclose the least non-zero values. CSD multipliers cover the slightest non-zero fractional products which in turn reduces their switching motion. Folding technique is a very important process to decrease the silicon area by time manifold.

Although the CSD multipliers are compact wired to explicit coefficients, functional blocks like adders and subtractor are not profitable to it. Since the explicit products formation unit is produced uniquely for a group of coefficients and cannot be rephrased for another group, this multiplier design misses flexibility.

192. Thermal Analysis of Heat pipes in Ansys

Thermal Analysis of Heat pipes in Ansys


A heat pipe is a latent gadget with an upper heat conductance. It is a closed emptied tube or office of varied shapes. Its internal surfaces are stock-still with a fine wick. Heat pipes are now used in a wide group of heat move-related applications. In this work, a two- dimensional limited part number- based model is created for the reproduction of heat channels to their resulting state where execution attributes. The limited- component models are developed in ANSYS programming to predict the temperature with the heat pipe. Some cases are discussed with various types of heat pipe divider materials, powerful warm of the wick, no-go heat transpiration at the evaporator, and working liquids. In all the cases, heat pipes are shown as areas, especially, evaporator, adiabatic and condenser areas. Reasonable material and heat conductivity would help for the heat pipe divider. Chosen heat transition at the evaporator section. At the condenser segment, the convective heat moves and is applied. In the adiabatic section, if no there is no condition, ANSYS treats the surface as adiabatic. At the point when all these conditions recreate the model, ANSYS programming produces good results.

193. Flexible DSP Accelerator Architecture Exploiting Carry-Save Arithmetic - VLSI Project

Flexible DSP Accelerator Architecture Exploiting Carry-Save Arithmetic - VLSI Project

Current electronic systems which primarily consist of embedded circuitry focus on high-end application streams. It is prescribed for the productive utilization of computationally demanding digital signal processing (DSP) functions. For the digital signal processing (DSP) stream, hardware stimulation has been tested as an excessively auspicious implementation technique. The fusion of heterogeneity through functional hardware stimulators upgrades performance and decreases energy expenditure. 

As the multiple instantiated application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are required to quicken several kernels, ASIC creates the optimal accelerator solution in charge of overall power and design performance and their obstinacy to expand silicon complexity. In the initial data-flow graph (DFG) of the kernels, soaring performance formative data paths have been visualized to precisely map primitive or linked operations. 

In a controlled evident template library, the templates of convoluted linked operations are either derived precisely from the kernel’s data flow graph. Design selections on the stimulator datapath hugely bump its efficiency. The utilization of architecture level expansions like enlarged instruction-level replicas has worked on obscene grained decomposable datapaths.

For obtaining a tailored design structure, the domain explicit architecture formation algorithms alter the type and number of estimation units. Handling of multiple ALUs with heterogeneous arithmetic appearances has adopted an intrusive operation which is the string to set up the computation of integrated subexpressions.

194. Seed Sowing or Tree Planting Drone

Seed Sowing or Tree Planting Drone

Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that finds its applications in various fields from delivering packages to surveillance, agriculture and many more. In this drone project, we are going to develop an autonomous seed sowing drone that can be used to plant trees in both agricultural fields and forest. 

With the help of tree planting drones, you can plant a large number of trees quickly in less time. Seed sowing drones can be used for reforestation to plant a large number of trees that are destroyed due to forest fire or natural calamities. 

Farmers and environmental agencies are facing difficulties in planting the trees or sowing seeds in the field. This seed sowing drone provides an effective solution to solve the problem by sowing seeds quickly with more accuracy. These drones are operated in a swarm to cover the large area in less time. 

195. Analysis of flow through tube tanks using ANSYS

Analysis of flow through tube tanks using ANSYS

Ansys stands for Analysis System. Ansys is called an ‘Analysis system’ just because in Ansys workbench all kinds of analysis systems are combined on one platform. In Ansys, to study about the fluids there is another in-built software known as CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) which helps us optimize our designs and can easily get us the results which we aim at. Ansys CFD goes beyond qualitative results to deliver accurate quantitative predictions of fluid interactions and trade-offs.

In Ansys, there are mainly 5 sections through which we can create or design a particular item, they are:

196. Project Management with MS Project

Project Management with MS Project

The aim of project management is to produce the end product that promotes some change for the profit of the organization that induced the project. Project management is the process of planning, controlling of various activities, and initiation to deliver the final product. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to create a project plan in ms project, which is one of the best project management tools widely used by the project managers.

What is Microsoft Project?

MS Project is a project management software developed by Microsoft that is designed to assist project managers in assigning resources to tasks, developing a schedule, managing the budget, tracking progress, and analyzing workloads. 

197. Project Management with Primavera

Project Management with Primavera

Project management is a practice that involves knowledge of tools, processes, skills, techniques, and deliverables to project activities thus making sure a solid path to project success along with meeting goals and requirements. In this project management tutorial, we are going to discuss how to calculate the critical path for the project using primavera P6.

What is Primavera?

Primavera is one of the leading project portfolio management software for project-concentrated industries. It is widely used by industries such as engineering, construction, aerospace, utilities, defense, public sector, IT services, oil and gas, high tech, and manufacturing. Primavera helps organizations with its international project management standards by meeting deadlines and managing budgets thus moving the organization towards its performance and success. 

198. DIY Electromagnet STEM Project for School Kids

DIY Electromagnet STEM Project for School Kids

If you are a student or parent looking for a cool science fair or STEM project then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to learn how to develop an electromagnet. This STEM project is for kids who want to develop a project for their science fair or to gain more knowledge about the working of electromagnets. In this DIY science project, you will use the components in the home to build the project.

199. Tethered Drone

Tethered Drone

The unmanned Aerial Vehicle or Drone is one of the best innovations of mankind. From photography, surveillance, public safety, logistics, law enforcement, agriculture, and many other fields, drones are deployed to ease the work. Though the drone has a variety of advantages the major limitation is flight time. Even the advanced drones have a flight time of 30 minutes only. 

In this drone project, we are going to solve this problem by developing a tethered drone. With tethered drones, the endurance of the flight is increased compared to free-flying drones.

200. How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

As the usage of drones is expanding day by day the misuse and accidents are also increasing because of drones. Before testing a drone in real-time simulating it on a simulator will decrease the wastage of time and money. By doing this, the occurrence of accidents due to the malfunction in hardware or software of drones can also be avoided. In this ROS tutorial, we are going to simulate a drone in FlytSim simulator which is a ROS-Gazebo based setup. 

FlytSim is a 3D simulator for Drone applications. This simulator helps developers to test their applications at the convenience of their laptop/desktop. With the SITL simulation environment, the developed application can be tested without the drone hardware. During the simulation, autopilot uses the same algorithm on FC to make the behaviour close to real-time. 

201. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

Smart Energy Meter using GSM

In this project-based course you will develop a smart energy meter system using GSM technology which can send you updates about the energy consumption for a particular interval of time. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

202. CNC Machine using Arduino

CNC Machine using Arduino

In this project you will build a fully functional 3 axis CNC machine using Arduino which can perform manufacturing operations like drilling, milling and cutting. The tool can be operated with the help of G Codes and Arduino interfacing. By building this project, you will practically work with stepper motors, Arduino board, G Codes, CNC calibration and programming.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

203. GPS & GSM based Tracker

GPS & GSM based Tracker

In this project, you will build a GPS and GSM based Tracker using Arduino which can send continuous updates about the position on google maps in your mobile phone or computer. While building your project you will learn practically about the working of GPS modules, antennas, GSM modules and mobile communication.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

204. IoT using Raspberry Pi

IoT using Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

205. Automobile Prototyping

Automobile Prototyping

In this project-based course, you will learn about the dynamics, control and overall design of real vehicles. You will make your model car with working copies of automobile systems like transmission, suspension, powertrain, steering, locomotion and the chassis. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of automobile engineering and give you the necessary practical skills useful for the automobile industry.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

206. Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

In this project-based course, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

207. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

7 Robots (Combo Course)

Robotics involves electronics, mechanics and programming. And the number of engineers with good robotics skills is far below demand.
You can only learn and experience robotics by building robots. The projects that you build in this course take you through the entire journey of building robots from scratch.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

208. 2 Mechatronics Projects

2 Mechatronics Projects

This course introduces you to the concept of industrial robotics through two different innovative mechatronics projects. The first mechatronics project that you will build is the robotic arm, which has 3 degrees of freedom and can be controlled by your smart phone using an Android App. In the second project, you will learn to build a two legged robot or a biped walking robot that will have six degrees of freedom with a hip, knee & foot and mimic the walking action of humans.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

209. Gesture Controlled Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. The course is also equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy even for beginners. So you need not require any prior programming experience to build this gesture controlled robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

210. Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

In this project, you will build a robotic arm that has 3 degrees of freedom which you can control by your mobile phone. The robotic arm will be connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth and can be controlled by an Android App.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

211. PCB Manufacturing

PCB Manufacturing

In this project-based course, you will learn and understand the process of making Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) from scratch! You’ll make a PCB prototype to function as a clap circuit - the system detects clap sound to power an LED bulb.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

212. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

213. Gesture Based Robotics

Gesture Based Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

214. Soccer Robotics

Soccer Robotics

This project-based course is a great sneak-peek into the world of robotics for high school students. By doing it yourself, you’ll understand the basic building blocks of a robot. With hands-on exercises, you will learn about DC motors, DPDT switches, batteries and other components inside manual controlled robots.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

215. IoT using Arduino

IoT using Arduino

In this project, you will build an IoT based weather monitoring system that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet to the user at a remote location. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

216. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

Computer Vision - Text Scanner

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based text scanner that can scan any text from an image using the optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

217. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

218. Gear Train Design

Gear Train Design

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a Gear train design assembly using Autodesk Inventor software. By developing this project you will learn to design: Gear Shafts, Spur Gears, Bearing Housing, Bearings and Assembly of a gear train.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

219. 5 Android Apps without coding

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

220. Raspberry Pi Robot

Raspberry Pi Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and can be controlled in real-time with your laptop. You will use Python programming to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

221. Sensor Guided Robotics

Sensor Guided Robotics

In this course, you will develop 3 different basic autonomous robots which are guided using sensors. The first robot will be a line follower which is programmed to follow a line. This robot detects the path using infra-red sensors which work on the principle of reflection of light. Using the same sensors, you will also develop robots that can avoid/follow obstacles or light.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

222. Automated Street Lighting

Automated Street Lighting

In this project, you will build an IoT based Automated Street Lighting System that automatically switches the street light ON and OFF based on the amount of sunlight present. This is one of the key components of smart cities where energy will be used very efficiently by turning the streetlights ON and OFF at the right time as needed. The data will be sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

223. Smart Irrigation System

Smart Irrigation System

In this project, you will work with a soil moisture sensor, ESP-8266 WiFi module, and an Arduino board to develop a smart irrigation system project. The device can detect the change in moisture level in the soil and controls the flow of water accordingly with a DC pump. You will also program the system to send data to the cloud platform for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

224. Home Automation using IoT

Home Automation using IoT

In this project, you will learn to build an electronic device that can be used to control all the home appliances using Bluetooth technology. The project you develop can be used to switch ON/OFF the devices by giving commands using an Android App installed on a mobile phone. You will be able to store and analyze the data about the usage of home appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

225. Computer Vision Based Mouse

Computer Vision Based Mouse

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based mouse to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. Using this project, you can carry out all the functionalities of a mouse by just showing corresponding colors in the webcam.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

226. Smart Water Monitoring

Smart Water Monitoring

In this project, you will build an IoT based Smart Water Monitoring System that can detect the flow of water and record the volume of water that flows through the pipe for a given period of time. The data is then sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

227. Smart Building using IoT

Smart Building using IoT

The project you develop can sense the number of occupants in the meeting room with the help of PIR sensors and automatically switch the lights ON/ OFF based on occupancy. You will be able to analyse the usage of the meeting room, number of persons at various times of the day, the time for which lights are on and the power consumed.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

228. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

You will work on basic to advance level Arduino based IOT projects with practical exercises on key technologies. Thereby you will gain great understanding of IOT and how IOT is going to change the way we live in the near future.
The projects that you will build are, Weather Monitoring System, Smart Irrigation System, Automated Street Lighting System, Smart Water Monitoring System and Smart Building using PIR.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

229. Home Automation System

Home Automation System

In this project, you will develop a Home Automation System using Bluetooth technology. The system you develop allows you to remotely control home appliances with your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone and a special Android application. The system is fitted with a Bluetooth module, microcontroller and relay switches to automatically control the appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

230. Voice Controlled Robot

Voice Controlled Robot

In this project, you will build a Voice Controlled Robot that can be controlled through voice commands. You will also build an Android App which will understand your voice commands and control the Robot to perform specific tasks via Bluetooth.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

231. WiFi Controlled Robot

WiFi Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build a Wi-Fi Controlled Robot that can be operated remotely via a computer/ website using Wi-Fi. The robot is connected to the internet with the help of ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module and can be controlled through commands on a web page that you will design.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

232. 4 Smart Energy Projects

4 Smart Energy Projects

In this project-based course, you will learn to build 4 different smart energy system projects. Following are the projects that you will build: Home Automation System using IoT, Smart Building System using IoT, Solar Battery Charger and Smart Traffic Control System.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

233. Health Monitoring Wearable

Health Monitoring Wearable

In this project, you will build a Health Monitoring Wearable Glove which can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove. The pulse on a person is sensed using a pulse sensor, which sends information to the Lilypad Arduino board to command the LCD to display the heart rate.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

234. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

In this course, you will learn to build 2 different types of IoT Projects. First, you will develop a weather monitoring system to record and stream the temperature/ humidity data online. Second, you will develop an electronic device to irrigate the field automatically based on the moisture level present in the soil. And the data collected will sent to cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

235. Sixth Sense Robot

Sixth Sense Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Arduino as a microcontroller and can be controlled using image processing algorithms. You will use object tracking algorithm and colored object recognition algorithm to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

236. Animatronic Hand

Animatronic Hand

In this project, you will learn to design, fabricate and control an animatronic hand using embedded systems. The animatronic hand that you build can be controlled with your hand movements with the help of flex sensors.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

237. Mobile Robotics

Mobile Robotics

In this project, you will develop a mobile-controlled robot using DTMF or Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. The robot is controlled by a cellphone that makes a call to a second phone connected to the bot. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via DTMF signals. The robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

238. Persistence of Vision

Persistence of Vision

In this project-based course, you will develop an LED-based POV display project using Arduino. The display when rotated at a certain high speed, will magically show letters that are pre-programmed. To achieve this, the flashing of LEDs is synchronized with the rotation of the display using Arduino programming techniques.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

239. Bluetooth Robotics

Bluetooth Robotics

In this project, you will develop a robot that can move in accordance with the signals sent from a smartphone using an Android Application and Bluetooth Communication. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via BlueTooth. And the robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

240. Swarm Robotics

Swarm Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build autonomous swarm robots enabled with master-slave communication. The master robot controls the slave robot while performing its own task and the slave robot functions based on the signal received from the master robot (both being autonomous).

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

241. Automated Railway Crossing

Automated Railway Crossing

In this course, you will make an automated railway crossing model to understand the real application of embedded systems. Here's how it works:
1. Sensors detect train arrival and departure and send appropriate signals to microcontroller
2. Microcontroller is programmed to operate motorized railway gates as per sensor input

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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