Noise Pollution Detector

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Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.

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Noise pollution can be found anywhere but or especially bad in cities. The study shows that Human ear can tolerate up to 85 dB without any ear damage. The average DB in the developed city is from 65 to 74 db.In this project, you are going to build your own noise pollution detector through which you can get an real-time data at a particular location that at what time the how much do of noise is generated you can get a time-db Graph.

Project Description:

  1. Light sensors: A Light Sensor is something that a robot can use to detect the current ambient light level - i.e. how bright/dark it is. There are a range of different types of light sensors, including 'Photoresistors', 'Photodiodes', and 'Phototransistors'.
  2. Sound sensors: Grove Sound Sensor can detect the sound intensity of the environment. The main component of the module is a simple microphone, which is based on the LM386 amplifier and an electret microphone. This module's output is analog and can be easily sampled and tested by a Seeeduino.
  3. Temperature and humidity sensor: The DHT11 is a basic, ultra low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data.
  4. LCD Module for Arduino UNO: =The Liquid Crystal Library allows you to control LCD displays that are compatible with the Hitachi HD44780 driver. There are many of them out there, and you can usually tell them by the 16-pin interface.
  5. Ardinou ultra kit : = 1X Arduino Uno R3 1X Arduino & Breadboard Holder 1X Bread Board 1X Shift Register 2X P2N2222A Transistors 2X 1N4148 Diodes 1X DC Motor with wires 1X Small Servo 1X 5V Relay 1X TMP36 Temp Sensor 1X 6' USB Cable 65X Jumper Wires 1X Photocell 1X Tri-color LED 10X Red LED 10X yellow LED 1X 10K Trimpot 1X Piezo Buzzer 2X Big 12mm Buttons 45X 330 Resistors 45X 10K Resistors
  6. Air quality sensors: The sensor is designed for indoor air quality testing. The main gas detected is carbon monoxide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde and other slightly toxic gases.

Skyfi Labs Projects
Kit required to develop Noise Pollution Detector:
Technologies you will learn by working on Noise Pollution Detector:

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