Latest Projects Based on Stem

The following projects are based on stem. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using stem.

1. Develop an Automatic Smart Door Bell With IoT

Develop an Automatic Smart Door Bell With IoT

Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the doorbell automatically to notify the residents. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.

2. Smart e-Health Gateway

Smart e-Health Gateway

With the boom in Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the kind of impact that it is making on all the industries, there is no doubt about its importance in the health care systems. A lot of IoT based patient monitoring systems are being developed every day to perform basic functions such as translate between the protocols used in the internet and sensor networks.

3. Smart Home Interface using GSM and IOT

Smart Home Interface using GSM and IOT

The electronic device that you build as part of this project can assist a user in controlling all the home appliances via GSM technology. The home automation device that you build can be integrated with almost all the home appliances and can be used to control them remotely by sending a sms through GSM technology.

4. Night vision SPYBOT

Night vision SPYBOT

Night vision spy bot is a unique type of robotic system which can be used for spying on enemy territories. This type of robots can be used to collect information and monitor suspicious activities, even we can track location of terrorist organizations. These type of robots can be used for surveillance of any disaster affected area or a place which is difficult to reach. Its night vision camera makes it active and effective even in darkness using infrared lighting.

5. Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

Human Detection Robot using IR sensors

This project involves building a robot that uses PIR (passive infra-red) sensors to detect the human presence. It makes use of the PIR sensor application of sensing the infra-red rays that emits when heat is generated from the human body. The application of this project varies from rescue operations to finding out the capacity of humans at a place.

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6. Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Bluetooth Controlled Robot

Through this project you will build a robot that can be controlled with an Android App using bluetooth communication. The robot can receive the commands from the user through the android app which will have the basic functions of actuations.

7. IOT based Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

IOT based Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

The electronic device that you build as part of this project can assist a user in controlling all the home appliances via WiFi technology. The home automation device that you build can be integrated with almost all the home appliances and can be used to control them remotely from any part of the world.

8. Home Security Model Using IoT

Home Security Model Using IoT

Security systems is one of the most researched fields of today. Through this project, you will develop an electronic device that can detect the human activity and switch on the buzzer to alert the user. The system will also be connected to the internet and can send the data to the cloud spontaneously.

9. IoT Based Biometrics Implementation on ECG

IoT Based Biometrics Implementation on ECG

The conventional authentication technologies like RFID tags and authentication cards has a lot of weakness, biometric method of authentication is a prompt replacement for this. Biometrics such as fingerprints, voices and ECG signals are unique human characters that cannot be tampered or replicated. This facilitates real time system implementations. And it is also proven to be more accurate with less than 2 seconds of processing time, facilitating the authentication system to be faster and reliable.

10. IoT based Finger Print Authentication using Arduino

IoT based Finger Print Authentication using Arduino

The conventional authentication technologies like RFID tags and authentication cards has a lot of weakness, biometric method of authentication is a prompt replacement for this. Biometrics such as fingerprints, voices and ECG signals are unique human characters that cannot be tampered or replicated. This facilitates real time system implementations. And it is also proven to be more accurate with less than 2 seconds of processing time, facilitating the authentication system to be faster and reliable.

11. Electronic Eye Controlled Security System with IoT

Electronic Eye Controlled Security System with IoT

In the World of Security, Automated security systems are emerging technologies these days, Electronic eye is also called Virtual eye which is an electronic device, which observes whoever coming and going continuously. Let us assume, a door bell that automatically rings when a person visit your home and it can also be used for providing security when any person is trying to enter into your home without your permission. Through this project you are going to build a unique system which automatically rings the doorbell when there is a person standing in front of the door.

12. GSM based Home Automation System with IoT

GSM based Home Automation System with IoT

Among most of trending topics, home automation is one the eye catching concept where R&D is happening at a very high rate. If we are talking about home automation, we will obviously go for wireless communication like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi technology, GSM technology. Among these things most effective communication is GSM, because it can be operated from very long distance and Output will be very accurate because we are going to control all the household devices by an SMS using GSM modem. This modem uses a SIM card and operates through a subscription with the mobile operator.

13. Fridge Door Alarm with IoT

Fridge Door Alarm with IoT

In this modern world, we all are enjoying the gift given to us by nature through the natural resources like Water and coal which is electricity. We cannot even imagine our life without power. Power is really the greatest power for us these days. Almost all household appliances, office machinery are running with the help of electricity. So, it is the time to do something for our environment by saving electricity. So, we must use it wisely and efficiently. Mostly in households appliances power is wasted from fridges in kitchen. Through this project, you are going to build a unique project that can remind you if you didn’t close your refrigerator completely with an alarm.

14. Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

In today’s world, Automation is one of the most trending topic for Research and Development. Through this project, you will develop a system that can control appliances we use every day like Fans, Lights, TV’s etc. and with this system, you can switch those devices on and off with your Smart Phone and we can store those devices present status (either switched on or switched off) automatically into a remote cloud and we can access them into our mobile or Systems from anywhere from the world.

15. Autonomous Firefighting Robot

Autonomous Firefighting Robot

According to survey in india nearly 25,000 people die every year due to fire and related causes and the loss due to these fire incidents is more than Rs.100 crores. Even though there are lot of precaution taken to prevent the fire there are accidents happening everywhere, so we have to kill the fire before it kills us. In a fire breakout the firefighters are restricted to go near the fire as the intensity of the fire is high in some cases, In order to overcome this we can build an autonomous firefighting robot which can help the firefighters in reducing the heat of the fire.

16. Pneumatic Braking System

Pneumatic Braking System

A brake is a device by means of which frictional resistance is applies to a moving machine member, in order to retard or stop the motion of a machine. Most commonly brakes use friction between two surfaces pressed together to convert the kinetic energy of the moving object into heat slow down the motion of the vehicle.

17. Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller

Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller

GPS – Global Positioning System is generally used to determine the location of a vehicle or a person from a remote location. These GPS modules are generally used to provide the location, position and navigation services to the users from anywhere on earth. There are about 24 to 32 satellites which facilitates the seamless working of GPS.

The main application for the GPS involves mapping, tracking and surveillance. The GPS module calculates the position of any user, by recognizing the signals that are transmitted by the satellites. GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite and the raw data is converted to latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.

18. GPS Ambulance Tracker

GPS Ambulance Tracker

Ambulance is a concept that is made to help the suffering people instantaneously to reach the medical facilities on time. This vehicle is used to move patients quickly to the critical care in case of emergency situations. They are also used for other non-critical purposes like transfers between the hospitals, organ or blood transfer etc. but nonetheless it involves a significant amount of importance on comparison with the other conventional vehicles.

Ambulances will be equipped with critical tools and will have well trained responders who can come to the site quickly and help the person in need with the lifesaving actions. For such kind of vehicles safety is the foremost thing that anyone should provide. For this the proposed system is GPS tracking systems which can be implemented onto the ambulances and track their movement.

19. GPS and GSM based School bus tracking system

GPS and GSM based School bus tracking system

The proposed project provides an effective solution to the most widely addressed concern, about the safety of school students. It is one of the most worrying concern among the individuals where a lot of students are being kidnapped, inability to track the bus real-time, monitoring the location of the bus when there are only less number of students in the bus etc. Even it will effectively provide solution to find out the best possible route to reach all the pickup/drop points efficiently.

This project solves exactly this problem where the system continuously monitors the longitude/latitude of the system real-time and sends a text message to all the users for monitoring purposes. Upon receiving the sms, the user can use the google map to track the bus movements.

20. GPS tracker for Blind people using GSM technology

GPS tracker for Blind people using GSM technology

The proposed project integrates both GPS and GSM technology to provide an efficient solution to track the disabled persons when they go missing or lost. There have been a lot of buzz lately about the reports that we are receiving about the number of persons that had gone missing. And a significant number of them are blind people who can’t tell the whereabouts when they gone missing.

This project ease this off by letting their families know about their location by sending the latitude/longitude as a sms. Also a special keypad will be embedded onto the system which can be used to send some specific sms to their families at times of emergency. The proposed system not only assures that their location is monitored but also assists at times of emergency to pass some sensitive information.

21. Accident detection system with GPS and GSM

Accident detection system with GPS and GSM

With the urbanisation on the rise, the number of accidents that are happening every day is on the rise. And the major issue here is that non availability of medical help at the right time. Where the medical institutions are not getting the information at the right time and they end up reacting to the situation very late that it may even cost a life of a person.

To provide an effective solution to this, here we are proposing a system that will be fitted inside the front and back bonnet of the vehicle. It works on the simple principle in which two metallic plates will be placed close together with a minimum gap between them and whenever there is an impact the plates will come in contact with each other. When they come in contact with each other, conductance will happen and this signal will be then sent to the microcontroller.

22. Smart Shopping Trolley

Smart Shopping Trolley

Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will get all the groceries on its own. The only thing you need to do is just send the list of groceries through simple SMS. Through this project, you are going to build a Smart Shopping Trolley which will collect the groceries you need on its own.

23. Gesture Based Wheel chair

Gesture Based Wheel chair

Mostly Physically Handy-capped people always face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the Wrist movements using an accelerometer.

24. Finger Controlled Wheel chair

 Finger Controlled Wheel chair

Generally Old and Physically Handy-capped people face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Though they use supporting stick or wheelchair, they need to give some force to move the chair or they need someone to move the chair. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the finger movements.

25. GSM Controlled Level Crossing

GSM Controlled Level Crossing

In India, Railways is one of the biggest networks which is making traveling a lot easier. Generally, we have Level Crossings where roads meet railway tracks. Usually, we have one authorized person who is operating the level crossing manually whenever a train is crossing. But, Across India, there are many Railway crossing without proper level crossings. Through this project, you are going to build a unique system where you can open or close the Level Crossing just with an SMS.

26. GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

GSM Based Door locking and Unlocking system

Today the most important aspect all of concerned very much is Security Systems. Consider Home security. Generally, we have door locks. Imagine that you had locked your house and went outside. Suppose you had lost your key, What will you do? Obviously, we need to break the look or order new key. Both will take certain and money. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Security system where you can open/close the lock with your mobile.

27. Voice Based Speed Control of DC Motor

Voice Based Speed Control of DC Motor

Motor plays an important role in many engineering applications. Engineers always search for an efficient and easy way to control these motors. Some many techniques are available in both AC and DC. Pulse width modulation is used often to control DC motor.

28. Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

Solar Panel Belt Conveyor

As the conventional energy sources are depleting day by day, it is very essential to search for alternative energy sources. Nowadays belt conveyor is playing a key role in material handling application, they are used to carry materials from one end to another end. Based on the size, nature of the material, different conveyors are being used.

29. Charging Mobile with Coins

Charging Mobile with Coins

Nowadays Smartphones are common to all. Mobile phones have become a daily need where most of our works are done through it. The most common problem we face while using mobile phones is Charge in mobile. Through this project, you are going to build a unique project where mobile charging through coin boxes.

30. Land Mine Detector Robot

Land Mine Detector Robot

Every country is preparing for a strong army to prevent them from terrorists, the soldier undergo a particular period of training in the camp and finally they will be shifted to the most dangerous place of where terrorist area camp, even to protect the borderline between the two countries.

31. Vehicle Accident Prevention System with Eye Blink Sensor

Vehicle Accident Prevention System with Eye Blink Sensor

Automobile has great importance in our daily life. We utilize it to go to our workplace, travel all over the place, deliver goods. Speed is one of the important to consider while driving and the driver stress of the over-shift it also leads to the sudden accident. The Speed of the vehicle can be measured with help of speed limiter so the speed is controlled and also if the driver is tired or not can be checked.

32. DTMF Controlled Security systems

DTMF Controlled Security systems

Today, the most aspiring and interesting research is happening in the field of advancements in Security systems. Right now we have the door lock based on the keyboard (by pressing the password door will be opened), Door lock based on SMS (by sending an SMS, the door will be opened), door lock based on fingerprint (when you scan a proper fingerprint, then only the door will be unlocked) etc.

33. Fingerprint based Voting system

Fingerprint based Voting system

The most severe and frequently happening situations while conducting elections is rigging (One person give multiple votes). Right now, we are using an electronic voting machine and to identify people who already gave their vote, people will be given an ink mark on the finger. But today because of rapid development in technology, that can be erased and there is a chance of rigging. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Fingerprint based Voting system in order to avoid the above-mentioned problem.

34. Vehicle based Intensity controlled Street lighting System

Vehicle based Intensity controlled Street lighting System

One of the biggest problem the world facing now is Wastage of Power. Generally, in almost all the countries, you can see that whether there is vehicle present or not, the street will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever the vehicle comes near the street light that street glows with full intensity and as soon as the vehicle move from that area the streetlight will be glow with very less intensity. Through this project, you are going to build a Power Efficient Street Lighting system.

35. Occupancy based Street lighting System

Occupancy based Street lighting System

Right now the entire world has taken steps to reduce the wastage of power. You may have observed that during night time whether anyone present on the road or not, the street lights will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever someone is walking through the street, immediately Street lights are turned on and as soon as the person left the street, the street lights will be turned off. Through this project, you are going to build an autonomous street Lighting system based on occupancy.

36. Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

As there is rapid development in the industries, manual operations for the repeated works has been replaced completely by automation through Robotic Arms. The introduction of these Robotic Arm is a major change which entirely changed the look of an industry. Generally, these Robotic Arm will be pre-programmed for the tasks to which they are going to assign. Now Imagine there is a robotic arm which can be controlled by the wrist (whenever you move your fingers, accordingly the Robotic arm will move). Isn’t it great?? Definitely. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Robotic Arm which can be controlled by your own wrist.

37. How to Build a Self Balancing Robot?

How to Build a Self Balancing Robot?

Self-balancing robot is a two-wheeled robot which balances itself so that it prevents itself from falling. This concept is somewhat similar to the operation of a unicycle, the rider of the unicycle balances by moving himself in the same direction of the inclination so that he stays vertical, similarly the self-balancing robot balances by moving in the same direction of the inclination.

38. Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

Rubik’s cube is a puzzle which everybody cannot solve easily, a person needs to calculate and then twist the cube to match the colors of each side. How exciting would it be if a robot can solve a Rubik’s cube? If a person is solving a Rubik’s cube, then he checks the pattern of all the sides in the cube and calculates what should be the movement of the cube to match the colors of each side. This Rubik’s cube solver robot does the same.

39. Automated Unmanned Railway Crossing Level Using Arduino

Automated Unmanned Railway Crossing Level Using Arduino

In Railway System, India is the largest second place to have big railway network. People almost use railway system to travel everyday, revenue generated from railways also plays a major role to our government. Everyday people are crossing the railway track and near the area at times because of track keeper fault or unavailability of track keeper or obstruction of vehicles in the railway lines causes major accidents near the railway gates.

40. IC engine fuel injector CAD modelling and fabrication

IC engine fuel injector CAD modelling and fabrication

A fuel injector is a device which gives feed for the combustion chamber for the continuously timed combustion. The fuel injector also helps to get the atomization of fuel for the proper combustion, now atomization is nothing but breaking down the liquid state of fuel to very small droplets which helps to get the proper and optimized combustion. Timing of fuel injector is also an important parameter which helps the ic engine to time the process properly hence the RPM at which engine will be running is very high hence the timing of fuel spray inside the chamber is very crucial which again will be in microseconds. Hence the fuel injector should be enough accurate and controllable to work syncing with the other running parts of the engine.

41. Bidirectional Count using 8051 Microcontroller

Bidirectional Count using 8051 Microcontroller

The IR Sensor finds its application in many application fields, in industries the mass production count of the product is done by human beings. And other is meeting hall or public meeting where the visitor count is essential and difficult to count. So IR sensor is implemented to count the production in industries and also the visitor count who enters and exit.

42. Internet controlled Pet feeding system

Internet controlled Pet feeding system

Pets are the closest friends to the humans and we do love to take care of our pets, there is always a problem we face when we leave our house for a day or couple. We have to keep our pet either on someone’s place or we ask someone to take care and look after them especially for the food. Hence we rely on someone to take care of your own pet.

43. Load sharing Swarm Robots

Load sharing Swarm Robots

Swarm technology is a concept based on Artificial Swarm Intelligence where there is a master robot and one or more slave robots, the job of slave robots is to follow the instructions of the master robot. This technology can also be seen in nature like the flock of birds flying in a formation or with the colony of bees and also in a school of fishes. Swarm technology is a concept based on Artificial Swarm Intelligence where there is a master robot and one or more slave robots, the job of slave robots is to follow the instructions of the master robot. This technology can also be seen in nature like the flock of birds flying in a formation or with the colony of bees and also in a school of fishes.

44. Ultrasonic Distance Finder Using 8051

Ultrasonic Distance Finder Using 8051

Today's world technology ultrasonic response is more needed like in robotics, automation. Here ultrasonic is interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller to find the range of objects. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module designed for embedded projects like this.

45. Regenerative Clutch For Power Generation

Regenerative Clutch For Power Generation

In Automobiles the clutches started to become popular over the past years, the variety of applications and clutch designs has increased dramatically, but the basic operation remains the same.

46. Under Ground parking System using RFID

Under Ground parking System using RFID

Today one of the most important issue which everyone has to consider is the parking management in highly populated cities in order to avoid public disturbance, traffic jams and unnecessary fines. Imagine there is a system where you can park vehicle underground. Once you had parked your vehicle, whenever you need your vehicle you can get it back by simply scanning your RFID card. The parking slot with your vehicle will come back to you. Isn’t this good? Through this project you are going to create a unique Under Ground Parking System using RFID.

47. Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

Smart Street Lighting System Using Renewable Energy Resources

After 150 years, the entire world will run out of the most important non-renewable Energy resource “Coal”, where 48% of the total power now is generated from it. Once it is exhausted, entire world is going to face severe power shortages. In order to avoid this shortage, the entire world has started focusing on the Renewable Energy Resources. A step further to this solution is hybridizing the Renewable Resources to generate power based on the availability to maintain continuity in the Power Generation. Through this project you are going to build a unique hybridized power generation system using Solar and Wind Energy.

48. Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Dual Axis Solar Panel Tracking for Smart Irrigation

Through this project you are going to build an innovative project where smart irrigation technique with maximum power tracking technique through dual axis solar panel application.

49. RFID Based Smart Ticketing Card for Local Trains

RFID Based Smart Ticketing Card for Local Trains

Generally in railway stations, we have long queues particularly in local train stations in metro Politian cities for getting tickets. Because of this people need to waste lot time. In order to avoid the above mentioned, you are going to build an innovative smart ticketing card for local trains based on RFID. With this project person who has the smart card, they can directly using the local train services without buying ticket at the time. But the fair for their travel will be collected at the end of every month.

50. Sign Language Translator

Sign Language Translator

Sign languages are languages which are used to convey messages using manual communication like simultaneous hand gestures, movement, and orientation of fingers, arm or body movements, and facial expressions. These languages are mainly used by deaf and dumb community. There are many types of sign languages, but the universal sign language is used all over the world.

51. Gesture based Robotic Arm

Gesture based Robotic Arm

Robotic arms are used in various fields like Industries, Medical and many more. In industries the robots are used in the manufacturing process, packaging, in the production line, these robotic arms are used in the place where human intervention is impossible. In the medical field the robotic arms are used in operating the patients in a surgery. The robotic arms can be controlled by many means, in gesture based control of a robotic arm the user can control it precisely by his hand gestures.

52. Smart mirror

Smart mirror

A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.

53. Drowziness Prevention and Collision Avoidance System

Drowziness Prevention and Collision Avoidance System

Drowsiness is a huge problem for the drivers, especially for long-distance travelers. This has led to many accidents and deaths too, the drowsiness can be caused due to sleeping disorder, alcohol consumption, or if the driver did not have enough sleep. We cannot stop drowsiness if the driver is not physically active but we can alert the driver if he is drowsing off.

54. Vehicle Tracker

Vehicle Tracker

It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered.

55. Whiskers based Robot

Whiskers based Robot

The whiskers are highly sensitive tactile hairs that grow on muzzle of animals, some animals like cats and dogs have these whiskers even on ears, jaws and forelegs. The whiskers when brushed to any object the animals can detect the precise location, size and texture of the object in the dark. This natural type of sensors can be used in robots to detect any obstacle in the dark.

56. How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

The robots which are based on wheels can move only on flat surface, and even when there is a hurdle in front of any wheel the robot cannot cross the hurdle or go on it. What if the robot can not only be able to cross the hurdle but also can climb the stairs. In this project idea you will be able to start building a robot that can cross any hurdles.

57. Solar Powered Go Kart

Solar Powered Go Kart

Go Kart is basically an open wheel car having less ground clearance and low center of gravity as compared to normal cars. generally, these cars are used for racing and obstacle racing. Both electric motor and engine can be used as power source. petrol and diesel (two strokes or four strokes) can be used as fuel. In our project, we are going to use an electric powered go Kart having battery and solar panel as a power source.

58. Build a GPS Based Location Tracker Using Raspberry Pi

Build a GPS Based Location Tracker Using Raspberry Pi

It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered. The Packages which are sent are not recieved at the destination, or may be delayed and using this project you can track your package.

59. Messaging with GSM and Raspberry Pi

Messaging with GSM and Raspberry Pi

SMS is a text messaging service component of most telephone, world wide web, and mobile devices. This text messaging can be can be one way or two way, that is if a user wants to send a text message and does not want to receive is one way and if he sends and receives the text messages that is a two way, using GSM module you can send and receive text messages.

60. Smart Headlamp

Smart Headlamp

If you are thinking about this project which makes its unique is rather then giving the single tone of perspective of one single direct beam.This project is actually going to give a full beam light up to 180 degree. You are going to use 20 powerful leds. Which will get power from micro USB charger which can be easily charged from any USB. we are using super light weight power pack and even plastic velcro can change the diameter of light according to your needs . you can manipulate the glow of led.

61. Wireless Smart Door Lock

Wireless Smart Door Lock

This project is all about controlling the door lock system with a remote control with the help of Wireless Remote Control Switch mostly in manual door locking system you usually forget the keys or you will keep some somewhere or you will sometime forget the keys inside the room. You will not phase those kinds of problems after doing wireless smart remote control.

62. Sterling Engine Helicopter

Sterling Engine Helicopter

About the project

As we all know that for a flying object to fly, it is important an external source of energy to overcome the gravitational and inertial forces and carry the to desired altitudes. There are different sources of energy used in flying objects like petroleum fuels along with piston & Wankel engines, Jet fuels aka ATF aka avtur fuels along with gas-turbine engines. Another source of supplying power to the flying objects is hot air used along with sterling engines.

63. Digilock using Raspberry pi

Digilock using Raspberry pi

The security is very much needed everywhere, it can be in the home, office or anywhere. In this project, you will build a digital lock, this locking system opens only when you give the exact passkey.

64. Wordpress server using Raspberry Pi

Wordpress server using Raspberry Pi

Wordpress server is a PHP and MySQL based free and open-source blogging platform and a content management system. You can create your own website or a personal blog. This Wordpress is a tool for creating and personalizing a website or a blog where there are many free themes and design plan.

65. Hyper loop

Hyper loop

About the project

Have you ever wondered the possibility of high-speed racing competitions like formula racing, a century ago? We all are well aware of advancement made in transit field. A section of Engineers is working on an agenda on increasing the value rate of distance covered on a daily note. We can also see the improvements that we have seen and experience in last century.

66. Laser Ignition System

Laser Ignition System

As we all know the importance of the fuel for an automobile but have you ever wondered by we get the dark smoke out of the silencer, ever wondered why our engines make prickling sound? The reason is incomplete combustion of the fuel inside the combustion.

67. Weight sensing automatic gate

Weight sensing automatic gate

Automation is everywhere now, from industries to home, the automation has lead to a drastic change in this world. There is Automation or Automatic Control everywhere now, from machines, the process in factories, to microwave ovens, switching in telephone, steering, and many more. In this project, you can automate your gate or door and open it whenever a person's or a vehicle's weight is detected.

68. Raspberry Pi Clusters

Raspberry Pi Clusters

Supercomputing clusters are multiple computers which are connected and interlinked with each other, these computers are set to function for a specific task where each computer contributes to the function or the specific task.

69. Motion capture camera

Motion capture camera

Time lapse footages are made up of images of the same scene captured over a brief period of time. These footage’s usually consists of cities, landscapes, sky views, constructions, city traffic, sea shores, ocean photography etc. These sceneries usually change over a brief period of time, so capturing images at timer short intervals without any considerable scenery change leads to wastage of storage space.

70. Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink & drive is a leading cause of road accidents. Detecting drunk driving requires stopping vehicles and manually scanning drivers by using breath analyzers. Well, here this is a system which allows detecting drunk driving in the vehicle itself. The system uses an alcohol sensor with raspberry pi along with a GSM modem for SMS notification.

71. Image Processing based fire detection

Image Processing based fire detection

The main advantage of Image Processing Based Fire Detection System is the early warning benefit. This system can be installed just about anywhere in a commercial building, malls and at many more public places for fire detection. This system uses the camera for detecting fires. So we do not need any other sensors to detect fire. The system processes the camera input and then processor processes it to detect fires.

72. Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

Bank Account Management System using SQL and C++

To run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a systematic manner we require a computerized management system. A computerized management system helps in storing, retrieving and modifying data more efficiently. So, in this project, you are going to address one of these kinds of a problem by developing a software for banking management system using C++ and Oracle 11g.

73. Library Management System using SQL and C++

Library Management System using SQL and C++

A large organization uses a huge amount of data every day. Again with time the amount of data keeps on increasing. Keeping a record of those data using pen and paper is not advisable as physical data can be misplaced and difficult to retrieve. So, to run an organization smoothly and to keep a record of all data in a meaning full manner, we require a computerized management system. In this project, you will be addressing one of this kind of problem, which is the management of a library by developing an application using C++ and Oracle 11g.

74. Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

The design and fabrication of a braking system is a difficult task. The application of brakes using vacuum in automobiles is a more difficult task in the initial stages of the work. But it has been successfully proved that such brake application is possible with the fail-safe condition. While implementing this idea on a heavy vehicle, it is better to replace the manually operated directional control valve with solenoid operated directional control valve to reduce driver effort and also it will work like a brake pedal switch. In this project, you will design and fabricate a vacuum braking system for a Train.

75. Design and Implementation of Lift Machine Control System using FPGA

Design and Implementation of Lift Machine Control System using FPGA

The project title is Design and Implementation of Lift machine Control System using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). In this modern era, lifts have become an integral part of any commercial or public complex. The control system is one of the most important aspects of the electronics control module that are used in the automotive application. The lift system is also known as an elevator controller. The elevator controller will be fully designed on the FPGA board using a simple I/O interface on the FPGA board. The controller will be used in any type of elevator and it will produce a single chip controller compare to other controllers that will need more than one chip.

76. Development of LabVIEW based Distribution Control System

Development of LabVIEW based Distribution Control System

A DCS (Distribution Control System) is used in industry and in plants as a central operator supervisory control to monitor autonomous controller used in the plant. Nowadays these DCS are used a lot by autonomous industries. Getting a hands-on experience on how DCS works will be beneficial for an engineer. In this project, you will implement a mini version of DCS which is used to measure flow and pressure using a PID controller. So, this project work involves, designing a controller using LabVIEW and a DAQ card to control the flow and pressure using this LabVIEW based controller.

77. Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water is the world’s most precious resource, yet it is also the one which is almost universally mismanaged. As a result, water shortages are becoming ever more common. Leakages, overflow of water and bursting of pipes these all most common in waste of water. So as to detect all these problems here you are going to work on the building, tank water level sensing monitoring and water pipeline leakage sensing monitoring system.

78. Blood Oxygen Level Monitoring System

Blood Oxygen Level Monitoring System

Today, most countries are struggling with the increased number of patients and increased costs of patient care per patient. This is happened because of an unhealthy lifestyle, habits, including stress which increasingly leads to chronic illness such as heart disease even in younger age. Also, it is difficult for doctors to monitor the particular patient for total working hours. In many critical conditions such as the patient is located far away from the hospital or also in case of an old patient who suffers from heart disease and physical disorders, continuous monitoring of the patient is not possible. Normally it is difficult to keep track of abnormalities in patient itself manually. Body temperature is 37 degree Celsius for a normal human being. Patients are not well with manual treatment which doctors normally used for tracking, so there must be a device which would help patient keep track of their health by themselves.

79. Plasma Ignition

Plasma Ignition

As long as the internal combustion engine has existed, engineers have been trying to find better ways of igniting the highly combustable mixture of air and gasoline that powers cars.

80. StarTram


About the project

The new generation launching system StarTram is a proposal for a maglev space launch system. The initial Generation 1 facility would be cargo only, launching from a mountain peak at an altitude of 3 to 7 kilometres with an evacuated tube staying at local surface level; it has been claimed that about 150,000 tons could be lifted to orbit annually.

81. Miniature Shiftless Transmission

Miniature Shiftless Transmission

About the project

A shiftless transmission, also known as a continously variable transmission (CVT) or a single-speed transmission or a stepless transmission or a pulley transmission or twist-and-go (basuically in two wheeler automobile).

82. Composite Roofing Tiles

Composite Roofing Tiles

The roofing system construction plays a vital role in both cost and aesthetic appearance factors. There is a greater shortage of roofing materials in developed countries.

83. Collision Detector

Collision Detector

As per a survey, nearly 1.2 million people die in road accidents every year. In this project you will use piezoelectric sensor to detect collision. Then, system will send an SMS to any nearby hospital. The SMS will contain the location of the victim and personal details. As soon as they receive the SMS, they will send the AMBULANCE.

84. Medicine dispenser

Medicine dispenser

With the recent development in technologies, many innovative products are arising and their development is making the life of people better day by day

85. Gesture Based Music

Gesture Based Music

Can you produce music without using any instrument? Yes, it is possible now. In this project, you will produce music just by moving your hands. Based on particular gestures, you can produce music. This is the future of the music industry.

86. Smart Traffic Management System

Smart Traffic Management System

Waiting in a traffic jam has always been a bad experience for everyone. In this project, you will develop a smart traffic management system. The traffic will be controlled based on the number of vehicles waiting. The lane with a greater number of vehicles will be allowed to move first.

87. Develop Location Based Garbage Management System App

Develop Location Based Garbage Management System App

To start with, we know that the “Smart City” topic is on-trend, so here I represent an app regarding this topic. All Smart cities incorporate numerous portable or web answers to manufacture an agreeable & comfortable human residence. One of these arrangements is to give an ecologically well disposed of, proficient and compelling trash the board framework. Now the current scenario for trash/wastage is not compatible if we discuss, the present trash assortment system incorporates routine dump trucks doing adjusts day by day or week by week, which doesn't cover each zone of the city yet is a totally wasteful utilization of government assets.

88. Smart City- E Challan system

Smart City- E Challan system

This system is unique and one of its kind. The smart city initiative shaped the system, and it proves to be an efficient system for the old school one of the same. It reduces the field duty of the officers, saving them from various accidents that happen when violators try to escape from their hands.

89. How to Develop a Food Wastage Reduction Android Application?

How to Develop a Food Wastage Reduction Android Application?

In this article, we will perceive how to make the Food Wastage Reduction app using android. This app will help to reduce the food wastage for sure if the public uses this application wisely. We know that wasting food is a typical issue these days and to resolve this kind of issue we can invest in-app like this. In order to resolve the food wastage problem, We have recognized the utilization of mobile and web technology to reduce food waste management and built an android mobile application that allows restaurants and even the general public to donate and share their foods and leftovers with people in need. This app will enable users to register, login, view items, add items, add items to cart, remove an item from the cart, log out and many more. A Food Wastage Reduction is an app any user in need can see all the food items donated by different users and add them to his or her cart to deliver them to the needy person. This app uses the firebase database as storage and real-time database, which makes this app more efficient and easy to use. 

90. Smart Door Unlock system using IoT

Smart Door Unlock system using IoT


In the current scenario, science is making exceeding advancements in the field of technology. With every passing day, new inventions and systems are being developed which makes a huge impact on the lifestyle. IoT revolutionizes technology in a never imagined before fashion. The smart door is just one of the byproducts of the same. It is a combination of the traditional door system and IoT, and the results are secure and reliable. It is a simple project that prevents any unauthorized access to the area. The system requires few products for its assembly and the cost of develop it is also less. It helps in controlling breaches and establishes a secure atmosphere.

91. Smart Home Automation using IoT

Smart Home Automation using IoT


The internet is now an important part of our life and without it our life is unimaginable. IoT is now used in various sectors and since it can be monitored from anywhere, it becomes reliable. Currently, various electrical and electronic devices are operated and controlled remotely. Home automation is our first step towards the future where we don't need to physically present to control the devices. One can control them using an android application or a dedicated website.

92. Smart Building using IoT and PIR

Smart Building using IoT and PIR

Smart building refers to the place where the system can keep a track of people and maintains a database. The building will be used to get information about the number of people, usage of resources, etc. Such type of buildings is known as Smart buildings. To run that type of building we will need a system which can track people with the help of sensors and then display the results visually. Let’s have a brief look at the smart building using IoT project.

93. Smart Traffic Lighting system

Smart Traffic Lighting system

Smart traffic lighting project is about sensing the density the traffic on roads and automatically controlling the traffic lights. The traffic lights are to be controlled using the Arduino Board. The IoT project is similar to that used in nowadays smart traffic lights; which will teach you the basics of a traffic lighting system. The project will require some kits and concepts which are as follows: -

94. How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

How to Build a Fire Fighting Drone?

In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career. 

In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.

95. Bluetooth controlled RC car

Bluetooth controlled RC car

Design your own Bluetooth controlled RC car. You can do it as a mini project in your academics. In this project, you will learn the types of components used to have input and output, usage of Bluetooth connectivity and interfacing them to other electronic devices like Arduino, raspberry pi.

96. Bluetooth controlled Fan using Arduino

Bluetooth controlled Fan using Arduino


How do we use a fan, we usually turn on the fan manually. But If the control is in your hands the speed control would be easy. Because there is no need to go near switchboard and vary fan speed. Easy process right? Yes, you heard that right! Control in your hands. This mini-project will make that process easy. We use the Bluetooth connectivity to control the speed of fan remotely. We use the combination of microcontroller and Bluetooth connectivity to achieve the purpose to control the speed of the fan.

97. Bluetooth controlled LCD Display

Bluetooth controlled LCD Display

Imagine you want to display your name on LCD display in front of your door or wherever you want. You want to change it again and again. In this Bluetooth controlled LCD project you will learn to display information on the LCD display and to change it via Bluetooth. We can change it over and over during necessity arises. We are using Bluetooth connectivity for this purpose. So, the command can be given only over the range of area of Bluetooth.

98. Arduino based smart irrigation monitoring and controller system using ESP8266

Arduino based smart irrigation monitoring and controller system using ESP8266

Farmers normally operate on broad portions of the field to develop numerous crop varieties. It's not always easy for a single person to maintain control of the entire agricultural land all the time. Often a certain area of the land may receive more water which may lead to sludge or it may receive very little water that dries the soil. The crops may get affected in any of the situations, and farmers may suffer damage.

99. Street light monitoring using Arduino based on vehicle movement

Street light monitoring using Arduino based on vehicle movement

The primary aim of Automobile Movement Street Light project is to save energy by turning on the street lights when the system senses the traffic activity by using Arduino Uno. The mechanism turns the street light ahead of the car and also turns off the trailing lights.

The motion of automobiles is sensed through sensors. The mechanism immediately switches on the lights ahead of the identified car, and the following lights are turned off as long as the vehicle passes forward.

100. Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Introduction- The baby pram monitoring system is a monitoring technique by which you can keep an eye over your child when you are physically unavailable by the use of sensors and feedback systems. This system can be used in varied situations like when you are in another room doing your work, in office and your child is with a baby sitter, etc.

101. Develop Communication device for disabled using Arduino

Develop Communication device for disabled using Arduino

We have often seen that Physically challenged are struggling to communicate. The people who can’t able to move and struggling to communicate with others, someone has to look after them. If they ask for water, they have struggled a lot. People who are caring for them face difficulty to understand their requirements and give the things they wanted. For the care of those people, we had a project that will assist their caring. This Arduino project helps those people to say their common requirement for people who care for them. Thus, they can communicate with others. They meet their requirements through these types of communication. 

102. Parking Alarm using Arduino

Parking Alarm using Arduino

Remember the situation, when you’ve parked the car or imagine you are parking a car. You need to look into the mirror and then you have to park the car. You may require another person to assist. Parking the car in a position is not a challenging task, but this project makes it better. This project helps to park the car in the parking area at a proper place easier. When the vehicle crosses the parking area, the buzzer makes the sound. This signal indicates the vehicle crossed the parking area. The sound of the buzzer continues until the vehicle is parked in the range of areas selected for parking. When the car is parked in the proper area, the buzzer will stop. Ultrasonic distance sensing technology is used for this process. Thus parking of the vehicle in the parking area is ensured by Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology. Ultrasonic Distance Sensing technology is used in this project for parking assistance.

103. Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Develop an Edge Detection Robot using Arduino

Robots are similar to humans but they are robust and more efficient than human beings. Similar to humans they can also sense the environment and react with the help of sensors. Because of its various applications, it is widely used in fields such as military, space exploration, manufacturing industries, etc.

In this robotics project, you will use Arduino to develop an autonomous robot which can able to detect and avoid the edges with the help of IR sensors.

104. PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design

PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) acts as a skeleton for the electronic components placed on it. It is found in almost all electronic devices. It is used to support mechanically and electrically connect electronic components with the help of conductive paths made of copper. All the components such as IC’s, sensors, resistors, capacitors are soldered to the PCB to form a PCB assembly.

In this electronics project, we will fabricate a PCB prototype to power an LED when a sound is produced. When you make a sound the microphone will detect the sound and convert it into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is then processed by the IC and it turns ON the LED.

105. Persistence of Vision (PoV) based display using Arduino

Persistence of Vision (PoV) based display using Arduino

Persistence of Vision is a kind of optical illusion that happens in our brain. The human brain cannot process more than 10-12 images per second when it exceeds this number of images optical illusion is created. The same principle is used to make animated movies. 

In this electronics project, we are going to fabricate a PoV display using Arduino, motor and LED. We will synchronize the LED flashing with the motor speed to make a Pov display with the help of Arduino programming techniques. 

106. Rugged elevation four legged robot using Arduino

Rugged elevation four legged robot using Arduino

Espionage robots are not best suited for surveillance on rugged terrain because of its wheeled systems. Due to the inability to operate on rugged terrain, robotics and drones get jammed.

Here the model presents a rugged terrain beetle robot that can quickly move across jungles, hilly and rocky areas with minimal effort. Its compact size helps it to travel across rugged terrain like a little animal with little noise moving through the forest. To perform this function the robot uses a crawling method.

107. Terrain Following Drone

Terrain Following Drone

Drones are getting advanced day by day and their usage also increased in various fields. With the help of drones, you can able to accomplish various types of missions by spending less. In this drone project, we will discuss how to build a drone with terrain following mode using the Mission Planner software.

108. DSP Implementation of Moving object detection and tracking based on MPEG-4

DSP Implementation of Moving object detection and tracking based on MPEG-4

Moving object detection is widely used in fields like aviation, marine, road monitoring for video surveillance and safety purposes. In this Digital signal processing project, we are going to discuss MPEG-4 based moving object detection and tracking system.

MPEG - 4 Moving Picture Experts Group is an organization who is responsible for video encoding standard. When compared to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, MPEG - 4 encodes the video file in a smaller size which is why it is used widely in online streaming platforms and media file transfer. MPEG 2 is used in DVD’s and it has good video quality compared to MPEG 4.

109. Crowd Control using Anti-riot Drone

Crowd Control using Anti-riot Drone

Crowd control and monitoring is a difficult task for the police forces if the strength of the crowd is huge. Usually, the police will use tear gases to disperse the crowds in uncontrolled situations but during this process, the police might be injured to avoid such situations we can use the drone to control the crowds.

With the advancement in technologies, the usage of drones increased a lot. In this drone project, we will propose a solution to this problem.

110. Amphibious Fixed-wing drone

Amphibious Fixed-wing drone

The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in both military and commercial sectors have expanded greatly in recent years. The advancement in technologies paved a way for developing a single vehicle which is capable of working on both Air and underwater environment.

In this drone project, you are going to develop a fixed-wing drone that can able to fly like an aircraft and swim like a fish.

111. Design and Implementation of a Real-time Traffic Light Control

Design and Implementation of a Real-time Traffic Light Control

Traffic lights help people to move properly in the junctions by stopping the route for one side and allowing the other. But most of the traffic lights have fixed time controller which makes the vehicles to stop for a long time during peak hours. Because of this, traffic congestion is increased during peak hours. Sometimes traffic police placed in the congestion areas to manage the traffic this shows the ineffectiveness of the system. While for smaller roads sensors are used to control the traffic autonomously.

In this VLSI design project, we will design an FPGA based traffic light controller system which reduces the waiting time of the drivers during peak hours. VHDL is used to design FPGA because with VHDL you can simulate the operation of digital circuits from an easy one to complex gates.

112. Modular Drone

Modular Drone

Drones are becoming more popular than ever due to their unimaginable applications and fascinating modifications. Along with their applications, the manufacturing cost of the drones also will increase. To overcome the above problem in this project idea, we are going to propose a solution. The best way to reduce the cost is by reducing the components used.

Modular drones are aerial vehicles which can be modified on the go. A single drone can be modified and used for various purposes. For example, you want the drone to capture high-quality videos - use an HD camera mod or you want to use the drone to convey information - fix the speaker mod or you want the drone to display something - attach the screen mod.

113. Airborne wind energy generation using Aerostat

Airborne wind energy generation using Aerostat

As we are advancing in technology it is necessary to find a newer method of energy generation with minimal damage to the environment. The wind is renewable source energy which will not pollute the environment. The energy generated from the wind almost fulfils the energy requirement of most of the households. But wind turbines have drawbacks like high implementation cost and difficulty in the transportation of components.

Airborne wind energy generation is the only solution to solve the problem. Here the turbine is placed airborne and the power generated is transmitted to the ground with the help of power cables. This saves a lot of cost in the implementation and transportation compared to the conventional wind turbine system.

In this aeronautical project, we are going to develop an airborne wind energy system using lighter than air aircraft.

114. Airborne wind energy generation using kites

Airborne wind energy generation using kites

Generating power from winds is the purest form of energy generation method when compared to other energy generation methods like thermal powerplant, nuclear power plant, etc. It also doesn’t affect the atmosphere by releasing harmful gases like Carbon dioxide or Carbon monoxide. But for generating electricity from the wind needs a huge setup such as blades, pillars, generators, etc. It also requires a lot of maintenance after the implementation. The cost of setting up the wind turbine is also very high.

In this aeronautical project idea, we will propose an innovative solution to generate electricity from the wind. We are going to develop an Airborne wind energy system to replace the traditional windmills.

Drones are the major innovation of this century which is widely used for various applications. They already proved their ability in various fields. Here we are going to use tethered drones to generate power from the wind. Here the drones are launched in the air and positioned at an altitude of 600-1000 feet. At this altitude, the turbulence of the wind will be less compared to the altitude where the conventional wind turbine is positioned.

115. Fuzzy based PID controller using VHDL for Transportation Application

Fuzzy based PID controller using VHDL for Transportation Application

Nowadays, accidents in highways are increased due to the increase in the number of vehicles. To avoid collisions between vehicles the speed of the vehicle is reduced or the driver is alerted when it nears the preceding vehicle. In this VLSI design project, we will design a PID controller based on fuzzy logic using Very Highspeed Integration Circuit Hardware language for automobile’s cruising system. 

116. Design and VLSI implementation of anti-collision robot processor using RFID technology

Design and VLSI implementation of anti-collision robot processor using RFID technology

Nowadays, robots are used for various applications. From home to big industries robots are implemented to perform repetitive and difficult jobs. Robots are preferred over human workers because robots are machines which can able to work 24x7 without getting tired. Because of its wide range of applications some industries use multiple robots in the same place. In such a case, there might be a chance of collision between robots. To solve this problem we are going to propose a solution using RFID tags.

In this VLSI design project, we are going to develop an anti-collision robot processor which is combined with a smart algorithm to avoid crashes with other robots and physical objects using RFID. The algorithm is implemented in VHDL (VHSIC - HDL Very Highspeed Integrated Circuit - Hardware Description Language) and simulated using Xilinx simulation software.

117. Cloud in a Jar STEM activity for kids

Cloud in a Jar STEM activity for kids

STEM is a combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In this STEM activity for kids, we are going to make a cloud in a jar. This STEM project helps kids to understand how it is raining. Kids are always excited to do practical experiments thus this experiment will definitely make kids interested in STEM. Also, experiments are one of the best ways to teach STEM for kids. 

Clouds are formed due to the freezing or condensation of water vapor. So What is condensation? It is the process of transformation of gas into a liquid. When water vapor or steam cools down, it changes into a liquid.

For example, when you keep a cold water bottle outside you can see droplets around the bottle. This happens due to the condensation of the air when it touches the surface of the water bottle. Similarly, clouds also form in the same way when it gets condensed on the particles in the atmosphere.

118. Catapult Physics Project for kids

Catapult Physics Project for kids

In this STEM project activity, we will develop a catapult using Ice cream sticks and water caps. This STEM project will help kids to understand physics principles practically. You can also make kids do some assignments using the Catapult. 

119. Simple Electric motor STEM project

Simple Electric motor STEM project

When we think of the motor you will immediately get the visuals of a car motor or a bike engine, but we actually encounter other small motors in our daily life. Motors have changed the way we live. Even now you can find at least 3 to 5 electric motors around you or in your room. For example hairdryer, laptop cooling motor, or the motor spinning your hard drive, and small toy cars, electric fan, AC compressor motor, and many more. Electric motors have confirmed themselves that it is one of the most excellent discoveries of all time. 

This tutorial will help you to understand how they work by developing a simple electric motor. This science project is for kids who are interested in electrical components. Also, this project helps kids to understand the working of motors easily. 

120. Magnetic Slime - STEM Project for Kids

Magnetic Slime - STEM Project for Kids

There is a chance that you may be played with magnets and slime many times individually. But I bet you haven’t done both at the same time. This STEM project will teach you how to create a magnetic slime. You can build this as your science fair or STEM project to grab all your attention towards yours. At the end of this project, You should have mastered to develop a perfect magnetic slime recipe. Below are the materials required to develop the magnetic slime project:

  • Liquid starch
  • Iron oxide powder
  • Bowl for mixing the components
  • Glue 
  • Spoons for stirring
  • Neodymium magnet - Normal magnet will not have the power to attract the material

121. DIY Magnetic Compass - STEM Project for Kids

DIY Magnetic Compass - STEM Project for Kids

In this STEM tutorial, we are going to learn how to make a simple magnetic compass using basic household materials. This STEM project is simple and cool for kids. They can do this project as their school science project or to learn more about magnets.

122. DIY Electromagnet STEM Project for School Kids

DIY Electromagnet STEM Project for School Kids

If you are a student or parent looking for a cool science fair or STEM project then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to learn how to develop an electromagnet. This STEM project is for kids who want to develop a project for their science fair or to gain more knowledge about the working of electromagnets. In this DIY science project, you will use the components in the home to build the project.

123. Sticky Note number matching

Sticky Note number matching

Does your child hate doing maths? Or you want to teach your child some maths? But maths doesn’t need to be boring. You don’t always need a worksheet and a chart of tables to teach your child maths. You can simply create a sticky note that matches a certain number. Let us see how to make maths interesting for your toddler. As the pandemic has made an impact on schooling that doesn’t mean your baby should stop learning new skills. Make this easy and safe STEM project for your kids. Sticky Note Number Match is a fun activity as well as makes your child stand ahead of everyone.


Children want to play, but learning is an essential part of a toddler. You can simply make a sticky note that will help your son to learn math in a fun way. This project will help your child to understand numerical value better. As toddlers love finding things around the house they will find it very interesting to find the stickies hidden inside your house. 

124. Oil Spill STEM Activity

Oil Spill STEM Activity

Want to teach your toddler something cool and also something that can help our environment to clean? As the global pandemic has affected schooling, conventional studies are hugely affected. Schools and universities are mostly focusing on online studies. But for toddlers, online study is a difficult job. That doesn’t mean your toddler should miss the fun of doing STEM activities. Help your kids to do fun STEM activities at home under parental guidance.


This project shows how the oils floating on the ocean can be cleaned. The main problem nowadays is Oceans are polluted. Oils spill from ships float on the ocean surface. That affects the environment of the oceans. Phytoplanktons, as well as animals living in water, are affected. This will create awareness among the students that caring for our environment is equally important.

125. Crystal suncatcher - STEM activity for kids

Crystal suncatcher - STEM activity for kids

The crystal suncatcher is a fun science experiment that your child will enjoy. This project is very easy and the kids of age 5 or 6 can do this activity with ease. After the completion of the project, you will not be able to resist yourself from looking at it. That much beautiful it is.


This is a science project. Kids should understand science in a way that doesn’t make them feel science is tough or boring. This activity will help them make a sun catcher with minimum ingredients that will make them interested in science.

126. Coding a LEGO Maze

Coding a LEGO Maze

Technology is ruling the world and there’s no denying it. Programming will be an essential part of your children’s future. It is better to learn some coding from a very small age. Programming a computer is excellent work. It is possible for your child to learn some basics of programming when he is a toddler. Here we are going to cover the STEM project of coding a LEGO Maze. Children of age 5 or 6 can easily do this activity. The basics will be made clear.


The main objective of this activity is to make your child understand coding. Only some basics will be covered. Here we will be using paper instead of a computer. 

127. Build a Balance Scale - STEM project

Build a Balance Scale - STEM project

We all are sitting idly at home due to this pandemic. All schools and colleges are closed from March, but your toddler should not stop learning. Let him make something of his own. Like making a balance scale or a coding a LEGO maze. These STEM projects for kids will need parental supervision.


This project is very simple but will make you child understand science better. In this project, your child will make his own balance scale, which is very easy. Your child will understand a bit of gravitation (obviously parents need to make them understand by giving small real-life examples). They will also understand the measurements.

128. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

Smart Energy Meter using GSM

In this project-based course you will develop a smart energy meter system using GSM technology which can send you updates about the energy consumption for a particular interval of time. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

129. GPS & GSM based Tracker

GPS & GSM based Tracker

In this project, you will build a GPS and GSM based Tracker using Arduino which can send continuous updates about the position on google maps in your mobile phone or computer. While building your project you will learn practically about the working of GPS modules, antennas, GSM modules and mobile communication.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

130. IoT using Raspberry Pi

IoT using Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

131. Automobile Prototyping

Automobile Prototyping

In this project-based course, you will learn about the dynamics, control and overall design of real vehicles. You will make your model car with working copies of automobile systems like transmission, suspension, powertrain, steering, locomotion and the chassis. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of automobile engineering and give you the necessary practical skills useful for the automobile industry.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

132. Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

In this project-based course, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

133. Gesture Controlled Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. The course is also equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy even for beginners. So you need not require any prior programming experience to build this gesture controlled robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

134. PCB Manufacturing

PCB Manufacturing

In this project-based course, you will learn and understand the process of making Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) from scratch! You’ll make a PCB prototype to function as a clap circuit - the system detects clap sound to power an LED bulb.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

135. Soccer Robotics

Soccer Robotics

This project-based course is a great sneak-peek into the world of robotics for high school students. By doing it yourself, you’ll understand the basic building blocks of a robot. With hands-on exercises, you will learn about DC motors, DPDT switches, batteries and other components inside manual controlled robots.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

136. IoT using Arduino

IoT using Arduino

In this project, you will build an IoT based weather monitoring system that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet to the user at a remote location. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

137. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

138. Sensor Guided Robotics

Sensor Guided Robotics

In this course, you will develop 3 different basic autonomous robots which are guided using sensors. The first robot will be a line follower which is programmed to follow a line. This robot detects the path using infra-red sensors which work on the principle of reflection of light. Using the same sensors, you will also develop robots that can avoid/follow obstacles or light.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

139. Automated Street Lighting

Automated Street Lighting

In this project, you will build an IoT based Automated Street Lighting System that automatically switches the street light ON and OFF based on the amount of sunlight present. This is one of the key components of smart cities where energy will be used very efficiently by turning the streetlights ON and OFF at the right time as needed. The data will be sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

140. Smart Irrigation System

Smart Irrigation System

In this project, you will work with a soil moisture sensor, ESP-8266 WiFi module, and an Arduino board to develop a smart irrigation system project. The device can detect the change in moisture level in the soil and controls the flow of water accordingly with a DC pump. You will also program the system to send data to the cloud platform for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

141. Home Automation using IoT

Home Automation using IoT

In this project, you will learn to build an electronic device that can be used to control all the home appliances using Bluetooth technology. The project you develop can be used to switch ON/OFF the devices by giving commands using an Android App installed on a mobile phone. You will be able to store and analyze the data about the usage of home appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

142. Smart Water Monitoring

Smart Water Monitoring

In this project, you will build an IoT based Smart Water Monitoring System that can detect the flow of water and record the volume of water that flows through the pipe for a given period of time. The data is then sent to the cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

143. Smart Building using IoT

Smart Building using IoT

The project you develop can sense the number of occupants in the meeting room with the help of PIR sensors and automatically switch the lights ON/ OFF based on occupancy. You will be able to analyse the usage of the meeting room, number of persons at various times of the day, the time for which lights are on and the power consumed.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

144. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

You will work on basic to advance level Arduino based IOT projects with practical exercises on key technologies. Thereby you will gain great understanding of IOT and how IOT is going to change the way we live in the near future.
The projects that you will build are, Weather Monitoring System, Smart Irrigation System, Automated Street Lighting System, Smart Water Monitoring System and Smart Building using PIR.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

145. Home Automation System

Home Automation System

In this project, you will develop a Home Automation System using Bluetooth technology. The system you develop allows you to remotely control home appliances with your Bluetooth-enabled smartphone and a special Android application. The system is fitted with a Bluetooth module, microcontroller and relay switches to automatically control the appliances.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

146. WiFi Controlled Robot

WiFi Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build a Wi-Fi Controlled Robot that can be operated remotely via a computer/ website using Wi-Fi. The robot is connected to the internet with the help of ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module and can be controlled through commands on a web page that you will design.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

147. 4 Smart Energy Projects

4 Smart Energy Projects

In this project-based course, you will learn to build 4 different smart energy system projects. Following are the projects that you will build: Home Automation System using IoT, Smart Building System using IoT, Solar Battery Charger and Smart Traffic Control System.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

148. Health Monitoring Wearable

Health Monitoring Wearable

In this project, you will build a Health Monitoring Wearable Glove which can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove. The pulse on a person is sensed using a pulse sensor, which sends information to the Lilypad Arduino board to command the LCD to display the heart rate.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

149. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

In this course, you will learn to build 2 different types of IoT Projects. First, you will develop a weather monitoring system to record and stream the temperature/ humidity data online. Second, you will develop an electronic device to irrigate the field automatically based on the moisture level present in the soil. And the data collected will sent to cloud for storage and analysis.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

150. Sixth Sense Robot

Sixth Sense Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Arduino as a microcontroller and can be controlled using image processing algorithms. You will use object tracking algorithm and colored object recognition algorithm to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

151. Animatronic Hand

Animatronic Hand

In this project, you will learn to design, fabricate and control an animatronic hand using embedded systems. The animatronic hand that you build can be controlled with your hand movements with the help of flex sensors.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

152. Mobile Robotics

Mobile Robotics

In this project, you will develop a mobile-controlled robot using DTMF or Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. The robot is controlled by a cellphone that makes a call to a second phone connected to the bot. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via DTMF signals. The robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

153. Persistence of Vision

Persistence of Vision

In this project-based course, you will develop an LED-based POV display project using Arduino. The display when rotated at a certain high speed, will magically show letters that are pre-programmed. To achieve this, the flashing of LEDs is synchronized with the rotation of the display using Arduino programming techniques.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

154. Bluetooth Robotics

Bluetooth Robotics

In this project, you will develop a robot that can move in accordance with the signals sent from a smartphone using an Android Application and Bluetooth Communication. Pressing keys on the user’s phone will send instructions to the robot via BlueTooth. And the robot is programmed to decode these signals and change directions accordingly.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

155. Automated Railway Crossing

Automated Railway Crossing

In this course, you will make an automated railway crossing model to understand the real application of embedded systems. Here's how it works:
1. Sensors detect train arrival and departure and send appropriate signals to microcontroller
2. Microcontroller is programmed to operate motorized railway gates as per sensor input

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

156. Maze Solver Robot

Maze Solver Robot

In this project, you will develop a robot that can find its way out from a maze of puzzling lines. The robot moves through the maze arena using infra-red optical sensors. When it detects a junction, the bot intelligently decides the path using a special algorithm that you will learn and program.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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