IOT based Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

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IOT Based Raspberry Pi Home Automation
The electronic device that you build as part of this project can assist a user in controlling all the home appliances via WiFi technology. The home automation device that you build can be integrated with almost all the home appliances and can be used to control them remotely from any part of the world.

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Raspberry Pi is a miniature size computer that is capable of performing all the functions as that of a computer. The home appliances will be connected to the Raspberry Pi board with help of relay driver modules which will facilitate the On/Off actions based on the load given. The system will be connected to the internet through WiFi and a cloud interface will be created to control the appliances from a remote location.

Skyfi Labs Projects
The device can also be connected to an Android App which you can develop on your own using some applications like MIT App inventor etc. By using this app, you will be able to monitor and control the home appliances from any part of the world with ease.

You can also include a PIR sensor with this project to make it switch ON automatically the appliances whenever a person enters the room and switch OFF the appliances whenever the person leaves the room.

Raspberry Pi Architecture:

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card sized single board computers that can perform the actions of a fully capable computer. It is an open source hardware technology combined with a programming language and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The Raspberry Pi has four distinct power modes,

  1. The run mode: The central processing unit (CPU) and all functionality of the ARM11 core will be available at this mode and will be powered up
  2. The standby mode: The main course clocks are shut down i.e. the parts of the CPU that process instructions are no longer running in this mode. But the power circuits on the core will be still active. The core can be quickly woken up by a process generating a special call to the CPU called an interrupt.
  3. The shutdown mode: The board will be in a complete shutdown with no power
  4. The dormant mode: The core will be powered down and all the caches are left powered ON

Raspbian OS Integration:

Raspbian OS is the operating system that is available for Raspberry Pi. Raspbian is based upon the Debian Wheezy Linux operating system and has been optimized for its usage with Raspberry Pi.

Relay Driver (IC ULN2803 APG):

The relay driver IC that you use will have the following characteristics,

  1. 500-mA rated collector current
  2. High voltage outputs – 50 V
  3. Output clamp diodes
  4. Inputs compatible with various types of logic


Below are the steps that best describes the conditions that you need to provide in the program to build an IOT based home automation system

  1. Start the system
  2. Initialize Raspberry Pi, PIR, Relay Driver
  3. PIR sensor detector=?
  4. Switch ON the appliance connected to the relay
  5. Control the appliances through an Android App
  6. Stop
Programming language: Python Programming

Kit required to develop IOT based Home Automation using Raspberry Pi:
Technologies you will learn by working on IOT based Home Automation using Raspberry Pi:

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