Wi-Fi Controlled Robot

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Wi-Fi Controlled Robot


Skyfi Labs Projects
In this wireless project, we are going to make a straightforward Robot (robotic vehicle) that can be controlled over Wi-Fi Network, for example, the user contributions for the course of the development of the Robot are provided through the Wi-Fi (with the assistance of a basic HTML Page).

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The idea behind Wi-Fi Controlled Robot

In the event that you have followed our "Wi-Fi Controlled LED utilizing ESP8266 and Arduino" venture, at that point, you can without much of a stretch comprehend the idea of the Wi-Fi Controlled Robot.

The ESP8266 Module is answerable for associating with the Wi-Fi Network and furthermore going about as a server. Going to the customer, a straightforward HTML page is made and the program which opens this website page goes about as a customer.

At whatever point you click on the website page; the relating data will be transmitted to the Server (ESP8266). This data is additionally gotten by Arduino and it controls the engines of the robot.

Circuit Design

The main significant thing to recall is that programming the Arduino and it is liable for arranging the ESP8266 Module through Serial Communication and furthermore controlling the L298N Motor Driver Module.

Thus, the Digital Pins 2 and 3 of Arduino are arranged as RX and TX utilizing Software Serial work. These pins are associated with the TX and RX pins of the ESP8266 Module.

At that point, the Inputs of the L298N Motor Driver Module, for example, IN1, IN2, IN3 and IN4 are associated with Digital Pins 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Arduino UNO.

Going to the robot body, it has 4 equipped motors. In this way, I have associated the correct two motors in equal and associated them to OUT1 and OUT2 terminals of the Motor Driver. Likewise, the left two motors to OUT3 and OUT4.


  • This Wi-Fi Controlled Robot is controlled with the help of an HTML Web Page (which can be accessed using any web browser on a computer that is connected to the same WiFi Network as ESP8266).
  • There are many projects out there which have implemented a similar concept but using Apps like Blynk.
  • The reason for which I have not gone with that App is that I felt that you really do not know what is going on actually as everything is done by the library files

A basic Wi-Fi Controlled Robot is actualized right now a robotic vehicle is controlled utilizing a website page over Wi-Fi Network.

You can make this project with cutting edge highlights like coordinating a camera and accessing the feed live on the program.

Kit required to develop Wi-Fi Controlled Robot:
Technologies you will learn by working on Wi-Fi Controlled Robot:

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