Automated Temperature Control System

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Automated Temperature Control System
In industries, nowadays the temperature control has control conquered many of industrial sector in the industry plant where the air is cooled in order to maintain the temperature control.

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Industries one of the most temperature concerns heat area in desired temperature achievement in plant. Cooling fan is manually to turn ON when the temperature is high in the Plant sector..

Skyfi Labs Projects
An Automated temperature control system is needed for the controlling the fan in industries ON/OFF automatically according to temperature in industry.

The automated temperature control system can be done using microcontroller. The thermistor used to measure the temperature, a DC brushless motor is used for Fan ON/OFF.

Project Description:

  1. AT89S52: The AT89S52 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8k bytes of in-system programmable flash memory. This is a powerful microcontroller which provides high flexibility and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. It has the following standard features: 8K bytes of flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, watchdog timer, 2 data pointers, 3 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.
  2. Thermistor: It is a temperature sensing element, material which exhibits a large change in resistance proportional to a small change in temperature.Usually have negative temperature coefficients which means the resistance of the thermistor decreases as the temperature increase.
  3. Relay: A relay is an electrically operated switch.It can handles the high power required to directly control an elecric motor or other loadas is called relay or contactor.

Project Implementation:

  1. Interface thermistor,DC Brushless Cooling Fan with 8051 Microcontroller
  2. Power the components and upload the code to Microcontroller
Project Brief: The thermistor measures the temperature in the industries, the temperature value is given to Microcontroller, the temperature value is above the level the controller trips the relay the Fan is ON. Then temperature decrease certain level the Fan is OFF.

Software requirements:

  1. Keil Uvision 3: Keil Software makes C compilers, macro assemblers, real-time kernels, debuggers, simulators, integrated environments and evaluation boards for the 8051, 251, ARM and XC16x/C16x/ST10 microcontroller families
  2. Programming Language: Embedded C language
Kit required to develop Automated Temperature Control System:
Technologies you will learn by working on Automated Temperature Control System:

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