Cancer detection using image processing

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Cancer detection using image processing

In this modern time, people are more dependent on machines than manual work. We in our daily lives we are surrounded by machines that provide us comfort or makes our work easier. Not only us even doctors used machines diagnosis and in case of surgeries. Machinery work has become an important part of our lives. Even in work, multiple manual works is being done by a machine. Even the scientist have developed a lot of machines for scanning the human body so that diseases can be treated in a more appropriate manner. As in the medical field, cancer is considered as the ultimate threat so prevention of it is a prime effort for all the people. So, python has created a platform which helps to detect cancer of a person. This project has been created keeping in mind that the early one can detect the most chances he/she has for the cure.

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Skyfi Labs Projects
Project Description:

Detection of cancer is the prime key towards the road to a cure. As most of the times, people are unaware of the disease and due to unawareness, cancer reaches its final stage. So for this sole purpose, this project was developed by the programmers with the help of python. This project also had used image processing software for the validation of the disease. In simpler terms in this project the user has to provide all the symptoms, he is feeling in the mentioned section and then has to turn on the scanned photo part where the site will take a scanned photo of the affected part then match it with actual cancer affected picture of that particular part that had been stored in the database by the programmers and if it gets matched then it will state remarks of how much effected or of what stage.

This image processing project works on a two-module system one is the admin, another one is the user. The admin module deals with the administrative work on the website. It is responsible for managing all the users on the site. The user module dwells with the registration of all the persons who want to create an account. Basically, it deals all of the parts including the user registration, the symptoms input and scanning and matching image. And all the inputs given by the user are stored in the database of the project.


  • To identify and detect cancer at an early stage so that there could be a higher chance of cure.
  • To provide effective service to the people. Many times people ignore the pains that occur in the body. Many poor people don’t even go for a check-up for any pains due to financial problems but this project shows the result for free and so they can analyze the situation and if it is critical they will surely visit the doctor.
  • It is an online project so it is available 24x7. So people can check anytime they want.
  • To provide an accurate result as possible. So, there is a matching section of the scanned images of the body part with a stored image of cancer affected of that body part after the scanning is done.
  • To reach as many doors of the country as possible so that people stay healthy. To update the site and it’s working every month so that the prediction can be near to perfect.

People are using it widely not only the affected patients but also the unaffected people also as to check their body status and of course, it is free it doesn’t require any fees to provide a prediction.  People are now being cautious of the disease. The predictions are coming as accurate as possible as most of the people are being detected at their first stage so they are progressing towards the cure.

Software Requirements:

  • Python: The coding language
  • MySQL: For database work
  • MATLAB: For image processing work

Kit required to develop Cancer detection using image processing:
Technologies you will learn by working on Cancer detection using image processing:

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