Air Quality monitoring system (IoT Project)

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Air Quality monitoring system (IoT Project)

Air contamination is an alarming issue nowadays. This mini project is planned for building up an IoT gadget that can screen air contamination continuously and log information to a remote server. Remote monitoring was encouraged, utilizing classical bits in the past, which had a few pitfalls like restricted memory, preparing rate, and complex programming strategies.

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Skyfi Labs Projects
Technology used

The air contamination monitoring gadget created is Arduino UNO based. The Arduino board interfaces with the ThingSpeak stage utilizing the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. As the urban communities ordinarily have Wi-Fi hotspots, so the gadget can be effortlessly introduced close to any hotspot for its activity.

The ThingSpeak is a mainstream IoT stage which is quite easy to use and program. The sensor utilized for monitoring air contamination is the MQ-135 gas sensor. The sensor information is additionally shown on a character LCD interfaced in the monitoring IoT gadget.

The detecting of information and sending it to the ThingSpeak server utilizing the Wi-Fi module is overseen by the Arduino Sketch. The Arduino sketch is composed, compiled and stacked to the Arduino board utilizing Arduino IDE.

MC Programming Language: C may also be utilized

Hardware Specifications

  1. Cables and Connectors
  2. Diodes
  3. PCB and Breadboards
  4. LED
  5. Transformer/Adapter
  6. Atmega Microcontroller
  7. MQ 135 Sensor
  8. Mic Sensor
  9. ESP8266 Wifi Module
  10. LCD Display
  11. Crystal Oscillator
  12. Resistors
  13. Capacitors
  14. Push Buttons
  15. Switch
  16. IC
  17. IC Sockets
  18. Arduino Compiler
  19. IoTGecko
Project implementation

The MQ135 sensor can detect NH3, smoke, NOx, CO2 and some different gases. At the point when we will associate it with Arduino, then it will detect the above-mentioned gases, and we will get the yield in a type of voltage level which we will have to change over it into PPM. So, for changing over the yield in Parts Per Million, here we have utilized a library for the MQ135 sensor. You can get the standard library from Github or any other standard source

At the point when the worth will be under 1000 PPM, at that point, the LCD and webpage will show "Natural Air". At whatever point the worth will expand 1000 PPM, at that point the buzzer will begin blaring and the LCD and webpage will show "Poor Air, Open Windows". On the off chance that it will increment 2000, at that point, the buzzer will continue blaring and the LCD and webpage will show "Peril! Move to natural Air".

Firstly, we will associate the ESP8266 with Arduino. ESP8266 runs on 3.3V and if you will give it 5V from the Arduino, at that point it won't work appropriately and it might get harmed. Interface the VCC and the CH_PD to the 3.3V pin of Arduino. The RX pin of ESP8266 works on 3.3V and will not function if connected directly. Thus, we should make a voltage divider for it which will change over the 5V into 3.3V. This should be possible by associating three resistors in the arrangement as we did in the circuit.

ESP8266 Wi-Fi module enables your venture to access Wi-Fi or the web. It is a modest gadget and makes your undertakings exceptionally powerful. It can speak with any microcontroller and it is the most driving gadgets in the IoT stage.  

At that point, we will associate the MQ135 sensor with the Arduino. Associate the VCC and the ground pin of the sensor to the 5V and ground of the Arduino and the Analog pin of the sensor to the A0 of the Arduino.

Lastly, we shall connect the LCD with the Arduino using standard connections

The source code/Program is written for NodeMCU ESP8266 12E Board. Before running the code you have to add 3 libraries to Arduino IDE.

BME280 Library

Unified Sensor Library (Adafruit)

MQ135 Library

Make a point to change the wifi SSID, secret word and API key before uploading the code. Likewise please evacuate the Rx tx pin association between Nodemcu and PMS5003 while uploading else the code won't transfer. You can reconnect it again while uploading the code.

The code can be easily found on Github or any other social platform.

Kit required to develop Air Quality monitoring system (IoT Project):
Technologies you will learn by working on Air Quality monitoring system (IoT Project):

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