Abrasive Jet Machine

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Abrasive jet machine
The conventional method of machining work-piece by formation of chips is very inefficient and expensive method on many counts. In view of these adverse and limiting characteristics of above conventional machining process, considerable effort has been made during the last few decades in developing and perfecting a number of newer methods, AJM is one of them which do not produce chips like conventional machining type.

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Abrasive Jet Machine (AJM) is affordable costing project which is not required heavy engineering workshop. Raw material is easily available in the local market. Abrasive processes are usually expensive, but capable of tighter tolerances and better surface finish than other machining process chances, delectability, costs and safety aspect etc. Abrasive jet machining (AJM) is a process of material removal by mechanical erosion caused by the impingement of high velocity abrasive particles carried by a suitable fluid (usually a gas or air) through a shaped nozzle onto the workpiece. Common examples include cutting, drilling, surface finishing, etching, grinding, honing, and polishing.

Project Description:

Skyfi Labs Projects
Fine particles are accelerated in gas stream. The particles are directed towards the focus of machining. As the particle impacts the surface, it causes a small fracture, and the gas stream carries both the abrasive particles and the fractured (wear) particles away.

“Abrasive blasting machining process that uses abrasives propelled by a high velocity gas to erode material from the workpiece.”

The working principle of Abrasive jet machining (AJM) is similar to sandblasting in which AJM effectively removes hard and brittle materials. AJM has been applied to rough working such as debarring and rough finishing.

Overall it's a good exposure to learn the basic dynamics of the speedboats along with the electronics and the fabrication and part will make it even interesting and engaging. Common uses include cutting heat-sensitive, brittle, thin, or hard materials. Specifically it is used to cut intricate shapes or form specific edge shapes.

A machining operation is basically a material removal process, where material is removed in the form of chips. In a machining operation, the output parameter is achieved by controlling various input parameters.

Drilling of glass sheets with different thicknesses have been carried out by Abrasive Jet Machining process (AJM) in order to determine its machinability under different controlling parameters of the AJM process.

The compressed air from the compressor enters the mixing chamber partly prefilled with fine grain abrasive particles. The vortex motion of the air created in the mixing chamber carries the abrasive particles to the nozzle through which it is directed on to the work-piece.

The abrasive particles used were SiC (grain size 60 microns and 120 microns). The nozzle material was stainless steel and the nozzles used were of diameters 1.83 mm and 1.63 mm.This type of set-up has the advantage of simplicity in design, fabrication and operation.

  1. Electrical Pump: An electrical pump is pressure generating device where it generate pressure by compressing the intake air via rotating impeller mechanism.
  2. Abrasive grains: They are grains which will mixed with the water to do the material removing work.
  3. Nozzle: It’s a convergent part which focus the high pressure get at a specific point and increases the velocity of jet too.
  4. Mixer: A mixer is a component or chamber where in the mixing of abrasive and the fluid to drive the abrasive smoothly.

Project Implementation:

In this project you’ll be building a mechanism in which we have an electrical pump which generate the pressure required to spray the abrasive to the target material to remove as shown in the picture, A mixing chamber will be continuously mixing the optimal amount of the abrasive with the water as the exact amount is required for the material removal if it is less for the brittle material it won't remove the desired material if the mixture is having more abrasive grains then it won’t give the finish too to the surface so, an optimal amount of mixing is required which will be getting done at mixing chamber. The chamber will be connected with the pressurized gas inlet which apply pressure on the mixture in the chamber and pushes to go through the supplying pipe and to the nozzle.

As nozzle is a convergent in cross sectional area it basically increases the velocity of the fluid jet coming out of the nozzle now the nozzle is focused on the point where we want to remove the material

The advancement of this project will be making it completely automated with help of a embedded board.

Project Requirement:

  1. Electrical pump

  2. Pressure gauge

  3. Mixing sealed chamber

  4. Supplying pipe

  5. Convergent Nozzle

Kit required to develop Abrasive Jet Machine:
Technologies you will learn by working on Abrasive Jet Machine:

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