The following projects are based on embedded systems. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using embedded systems.
Night vision spy bot is a unique type of robotic system which can be used for spying on enemy territories. This type of robots can be used to collect information and monitor suspicious activities, even we can track location of terrorist organizations. These type of robots can be used for surveillance of any disaster affected area or a place which is difficult to reach. Its night vision camera makes it active and effective even in darkness using infrared lighting.
This project involves building a robot that uses PIR (passive infra-red) sensors to detect the human presence. It makes use of the PIR sensor application of sensing the infra-red rays that emits when heat is generated from the human body. The application of this project varies from rescue operations to finding out the capacity of humans at a place.
Nowadays in Metro cities, People face a lot of problem in supermarkets to buy things using trolleys. Every time we need to push the trolley to the bring the trolley to the place where the object required by us is present. Imagine that there is a trolley which will get all the groceries on its own. The only thing you need to do is just send the list of groceries through simple SMS. Through this project, you are going to build a Smart Shopping Trolley which will collect the groceries you need on its own.
Mostly Physically Handy-capped people always face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the Wrist movements using an accelerometer.
Generally Old and Physically Handy-capped people face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Though they use supporting stick or wheelchair, they need to give some force to move the chair or they need someone to move the chair. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the finger movements.
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In India, Railways is one of the biggest networks which is making traveling a lot easier. Generally, we have Level Crossings where roads meet railway tracks. Usually, we have one authorized person who is operating the level crossing manually whenever a train is crossing. But, Across India, there are many Railway crossing without proper level crossings. Through this project, you are going to build a unique system where you can open or close the Level Crossing just with an SMS.
Today the most important aspect all of concerned very much is Security Systems. Consider Home security. Generally, we have door locks. Imagine that you had locked your house and went outside. Suppose you had lost your key, What will you do? Obviously, we need to break the look or order new key. Both will take certain and money. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Security system where you can open/close the lock with your mobile.
Motor plays an important role in many engineering applications. Engineers always search for an efficient and easy way to control these motors. Some many techniques are available in both AC and DC. Pulse width modulation is used often to control DC motor.
As the conventional energy sources are depleting day by day, it is very essential to search for alternative energy sources. Nowadays belt conveyor is playing a key role in material handling application, they are used to carry materials from one end to another end. Based on the size, nature of the material, different conveyors are being used.
Every country is preparing for a strong army to prevent them from terrorists, the soldier undergo a particular period of training in the camp and finally they will be shifted to the most dangerous place of where terrorist area camp, even to protect the borderline between the two countries.
Automobile has great importance in our daily life. We utilize it to go to our workplace, travel all over the place, deliver goods. Speed is one of the important to consider while driving and the driver stress of the over-shift it also leads to the sudden accident. The Speed of the vehicle can be measured with help of speed limiter so the speed is controlled and also if the driver is tired or not can be checked.
One of the biggest problem the world facing now is Wastage of Power. Generally, in almost all the countries, you can see that whether there is vehicle present or not, the street will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever the vehicle comes near the street light that street glows with full intensity and as soon as the vehicle move from that area the streetlight will be glow with very less intensity. Through this project, you are going to build a Power Efficient Street Lighting system.
Right now the entire world has taken steps to reduce the wastage of power. You may have observed that during night time whether anyone present on the road or not, the street lights will glow continuously for the entire night. Now imagine that there is a system where whenever someone is walking through the street, immediately Street lights are turned on and as soon as the person left the street, the street lights will be turned off. Through this project, you are going to build an autonomous street Lighting system based on occupancy.
As there is rapid development in the industries, manual operations for the repeated works has been replaced completely by automation through Robotic Arms. The introduction of these Robotic Arm is a major change which entirely changed the look of an industry. Generally, these Robotic Arm will be pre-programmed for the tasks to which they are going to assign. Now Imagine there is a robotic arm which can be controlled by the wrist (whenever you move your fingers, accordingly the Robotic arm will move). Isn’t it great?? Definitely. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Robotic Arm which can be controlled by your own wrist.
In Railway System, India is the largest second place to have big railway network. People almost use railway system to travel everyday, revenue generated from railways also plays a major role to our government. Everyday people are crossing the railway track and near the area at times because of track keeper fault or unavailability of track keeper or obstruction of vehicles in the railway lines causes major accidents near the railway gates.
The IR Sensor finds its application in many application fields, in industries the mass production count of the product is done by human beings. And other is meeting hall or public meeting where the visitor count is essential and difficult to count. So IR sensor is implemented to count the production in industries and also the visitor count who enters and exit.
Today's world technology ultrasonic response is more needed like in robotics, automation. Here ultrasonic is interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller to find the range of objects. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module designed for embedded projects like this.
Today one of the most important issue which everyone has to consider is the parking management in highly populated cities in order to avoid public disturbance, traffic jams and unnecessary fines. Imagine there is a system where you can park vehicle underground. Once you had parked your vehicle, whenever you need your vehicle you can get it back by simply scanning your RFID card. The parking slot with your vehicle will come back to you. Isn’t this good? Through this project you are going to create a unique Under Ground Parking System using RFID.
A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.
Smart building refers to the place where the system can keep a track of people and maintains a database. The building will be used to get information about the number of people, usage of resources, etc. Such type of buildings is known as Smart buildings. To run that type of building we will need a system which can track people with the help of sensors and then display the results visually. Let’s have a brief look at the smart building using IoT project.
In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career.
In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.
Design your own Bluetooth controlled RC car. You can do it as a mini project in your academics. In this project, you will learn the types of components used to have input and output, usage of Bluetooth connectivity and interfacing them to other electronic devices like Arduino, raspberry pi.
How do we use a fan, we usually turn on the fan manually. But If the control is in your hands the speed control would be easy. Because there is no need to go near switchboard and vary fan speed. Easy process right? Yes, you heard that right! Control in your hands. This mini-project will make that process easy. We use the Bluetooth connectivity to control the speed of fan remotely. We use the combination of microcontroller and Bluetooth connectivity to achieve the purpose to control the speed of the fan.
Imagine you want to display your name on LCD display in front of your door or wherever you want. You want to change it again and again. In this Bluetooth controlled LCD project you will learn to display information on the LCD display and to change it via Bluetooth. We can change it over and over during necessity arises. We are using Bluetooth connectivity for this purpose. So, the command can be given only over the range of area of Bluetooth.
Farmers normally operate on broad portions of the field to develop numerous crop varieties. It's not always easy for a single person to maintain control of the entire agricultural land all the time. Often a certain area of the land may receive more water which may lead to sludge or it may receive very little water that dries the soil. The crops may get affected in any of the situations, and farmers may suffer damage.
The primary aim of Automobile Movement Street Light project is to save energy by turning on the street lights when the system senses the traffic activity by using Arduino Uno. The mechanism turns the street light ahead of the car and also turns off the trailing lights.
The motion of automobiles is sensed through sensors. The mechanism immediately switches on the lights ahead of the identified car, and the following lights are turned off as long as the vehicle passes forward.
Introduction- The baby pram monitoring system is a monitoring technique by which you can keep an eye over your child when you are physically unavailable by the use of sensors and feedback systems. This system can be used in varied situations like when you are in another room doing your work, in office and your child is with a baby sitter, etc.
We have often seen that Physically challenged are struggling to communicate. The people who can’t able to move and struggling to communicate with others, someone has to look after them. If they ask for water, they have struggled a lot. People who are caring for them face difficulty to understand their requirements and give the things they wanted. For the care of those people, we had a project that will assist their caring. This Arduino project helps those people to say their common requirement for people who care for them. Thus, they can communicate with others. They meet their requirements through these types of communication.
Robots are similar to humans but they are robust and more efficient than human beings. Similar to humans they can also sense the environment and react with the help of sensors. Because of its various applications, it is widely used in fields such as military, space exploration, manufacturing industries, etc.
In this robotics project, you will use Arduino to develop an autonomous robot which can able to detect and avoid the edges with the help of IR sensors.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) acts as a skeleton for the electronic components placed on it. It is found in almost all electronic devices. It is used to support mechanically and electrically connect electronic components with the help of conductive paths made of copper. All the components such as IC’s, sensors, resistors, capacitors are soldered to the PCB to form a PCB assembly.
In this electronics project, we will fabricate a PCB prototype to power an LED when a sound is produced. When you make a sound the microphone will detect the sound and convert it into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is then processed by the IC and it turns ON the LED.
Persistence of Vision is a kind of optical illusion that happens in our brain. The human brain cannot process more than 10-12 images per second when it exceeds this number of images optical illusion is created. The same principle is used to make animated movies.
In this electronics project, we are going to fabricate a PoV display using Arduino, motor and LED. We will synchronize the LED flashing with the motor speed to make a Pov display with the help of Arduino programming techniques.
Espionage robots are not best suited for surveillance on rugged terrain because of its wheeled systems. Due to the inability to operate on rugged terrain, robotics and drones get jammed.
Here the model presents a rugged terrain beetle robot that can quickly move across jungles, hilly and rocky areas with minimal effort. Its compact size helps it to travel across rugged terrain like a little animal with little noise moving through the forest. To perform this function the robot uses a crawling method.
Drones are getting advanced day by day and their usage also increased in various fields. With the help of drones, you can able to accomplish various types of missions by spending less. In this drone project, we will discuss how to build a drone with terrain following mode using the Mission Planner software.
Moving object detection is widely used in fields like aviation, marine, road monitoring for video surveillance and safety purposes. In this Digital signal processing project, we are going to discuss MPEG-4 based moving object detection and tracking system.
MPEG - 4 Moving Picture Experts Group is an organization who is responsible for video encoding standard. When compared to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, MPEG - 4 encodes the video file in a smaller size which is why it is used widely in online streaming platforms and media file transfer. MPEG 2 is used in DVD’s and it has good video quality compared to MPEG 4.
Crowd control and monitoring is a difficult task for the police forces if the strength of the crowd is huge. Usually, the police will use tear gases to disperse the crowds in uncontrolled situations but during this process, the police might be injured to avoid such situations we can use the drone to control the crowds.
With the advancement in technologies, the usage of drones increased a lot. In this drone project, we will propose a solution to this problem.
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in both military and commercial sectors have expanded greatly in recent years. The advancement in technologies paved a way for developing a single vehicle which is capable of working on both Air and underwater environment.
In this drone project, you are going to develop a fixed-wing drone that can able to fly like an aircraft and swim like a fish.
Drones are becoming more popular than ever due to their unimaginable applications and fascinating modifications. Along with their applications, the manufacturing cost of the drones also will increase. To overcome the above problem in this project idea, we are going to propose a solution. The best way to reduce the cost is by reducing the components used.
Modular drones are aerial vehicles which can be modified on the go. A single drone can be modified and used for various purposes. For example, you want the drone to capture high-quality videos - use an HD camera mod or you want to use the drone to convey information - fix the speaker mod or you want the drone to display something - attach the screen mod.
As we are advancing in technology it is necessary to find a newer method of energy generation with minimal damage to the environment. The wind is renewable source energy which will not pollute the environment. The energy generated from the wind almost fulfils the energy requirement of most of the households. But wind turbines have drawbacks like high implementation cost and difficulty in the transportation of components.
Airborne wind energy generation is the only solution to solve the problem. Here the turbine is placed airborne and the power generated is transmitted to the ground with the help of power cables. This saves a lot of cost in the implementation and transportation compared to the conventional wind turbine system.
In this aeronautical project, we are going to develop an airborne wind energy system using lighter than air aircraft.
Generating power from winds is the purest form of energy generation method when compared to other energy generation methods like thermal powerplant, nuclear power plant, etc. It also doesn’t affect the atmosphere by releasing harmful gases like Carbon dioxide or Carbon monoxide. But for generating electricity from the wind needs a huge setup such as blades, pillars, generators, etc. It also requires a lot of maintenance after the implementation. The cost of setting up the wind turbine is also very high.
In this aeronautical project idea, we will propose an innovative solution to generate electricity from the wind. We are going to develop an Airborne wind energy system to replace the traditional windmills.
Drones are the major innovation of this century which is widely used for various applications. They already proved their ability in various fields. Here we are going to use tethered drones to generate power from the wind. Here the drones are launched in the air and positioned at an altitude of 600-1000 feet. At this altitude, the turbulence of the wind will be less compared to the altitude where the conventional wind turbine is positioned.
Nowadays, accidents in highways are increased due to the increase in the number of vehicles. To avoid collisions between vehicles the speed of the vehicle is reduced or the driver is alerted when it nears the preceding vehicle. In this VLSI design project, we will design a PID controller based on fuzzy logic using Very Highspeed Integration Circuit Hardware language for automobile’s cruising system.
Nowadays, robots are used for various applications. From home to big industries robots are implemented to perform repetitive and difficult jobs. Robots are preferred over human workers because robots are machines which can able to work 24x7 without getting tired. Because of its wide range of applications some industries use multiple robots in the same place. In such a case, there might be a chance of collision between robots. To solve this problem we are going to propose a solution using RFID tags.
In this VLSI design project, we are going to develop an anti-collision robot processor which is combined with a smart algorithm to avoid crashes with other robots and physical objects using RFID. The algorithm is implemented in VHDL (VHSIC - HDL Very Highspeed Integrated Circuit - Hardware Description Language) and simulated using Xilinx simulation software.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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