Latest Projects Based on Structural Engineering

The following projects are based on structural engineering. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using structural engineering.

1. EWICON- Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter

EWICON- Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter

As you are well aware of the fact the natural energy is the need of future considering a small initiative by Government of India to supply Electric Power to every home in the country and supply it for 24 Hours, alternatives to hydropower, which credits natural energy its own importance in the market.

2. Electromagnetic Catapult controlled using Arduino

Electromagnetic Catapult controlled using Arduino

We all know about the golden rule spoken about in aeronautical domain. “Take off is optional but landing is mandatory”. Wright Bros changed the travel dimensions by designing an airplane which could successfully ascend or take-off, cruise in the air, descend or land successfully. A designed path or area in any airport in any airdrome where ascend and descend of the airplane is carried out is called as a Runway (as per International civil aviation organization ICAO).

3. Zero Turn Drives

Zero Turn Drives

About the project

Every person living with an automobile is well aware of the steering system and its importance. Steering systems help the driver of the vehicle in directional control of the vehicle.


4. Analysis of Diagrid Structure using ETABS

Analysis of Diagrid Structure using ETABS

Urban population has seen a rapid growth in the past decade and the consequent pressure on limited space have consequently influenced the residential development in the city.

5. Reinforced Soil and Its Engineering Applications

Reinforced Soil and Its Engineering Applications

One of the most important factor, when you build anything is the material. Another important factor in civil engineering is cost. So, that the material should be economical. Soil or Earth is one of the cheaper material available nowadays.

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6. How to Implement IoT in Structural Health Monitoring Systems?

How to Implement IoT in Structural Health Monitoring Systems?

Maintenance is the paramount thing to focus, after constructing any structure. It is necessary to maintain the design strength of structure to increase life span.

7. Structural & Foundation Analysis

Structural & Foundation Analysis

In this project-based course, you will learn about the design considerations involved in tall building systems and varied loads acting on them. You will use industrial-grade software (SAP2000, ETABS & SAFE) to analyze & design your very own building systems according to IS codes.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on structural engineering
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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