Latest Projects Based on Supply

The following projects are based on supply. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using supply.

1. Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water jet cutting method is one of the material removal type of rapid prototyping technique (RPT) which is been widely used in the automotive and aerospace industry to produce the complex and precise shape on a metal with minimum time and least effort being used.

2. IC engine fuel injector CAD modelling and fabrication

IC engine fuel injector CAD modelling and fabrication

A fuel injector is a device which gives feed for the combustion chamber for the continuously timed combustion. The fuel injector also helps to get the atomization of fuel for the proper combustion, now atomization is nothing but breaking down the liquid state of fuel to very small droplets which helps to get the proper and optimized combustion. Timing of fuel injector is also an important parameter which helps the ic engine to time the process properly hence the RPM at which engine will be running is very high hence the timing of fuel spray inside the chamber is very crucial which again will be in microseconds. Hence the fuel injector should be enough accurate and controllable to work syncing with the other running parts of the engine.

3. Abrasive Jet Machine

Abrasive Jet Machine

The conventional method of machining work-piece by formation of chips is very inefficient and expensive method on many counts. In view of these adverse and limiting characteristics of above conventional machining process, considerable effort has been made during the last few decades in developing and perfecting a number of newer methods, AJM is one of them which do not produce chips like conventional machining type.

4. Mini Refrigerator

Mini Refrigerator

Have you ever wondered how your refrigerator t your homework? It works on the principle of thermodynamics. Its a continuous process of changing the phase of refrigerant by changing volume, pressure and temperature.we are going some amount of work to it which comes as heat in the form of cold. For that, we are going to make a mini refrigerator having an electrical system to run instead of some costly coolant. We will run our mini refrigerator with seeback effect using an pietler material having a lot of connection of hot and cold junction. this hot and cold diffecence will create EMF can be stored in a battery or visa versa.

5. Wireless Surveillance using Rasberry Pi

Wireless Surveillance using Rasberry Pi

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

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6. Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

7. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

8. Media Center

Media Center

There are many smart TVs but their price is quite high compared to a normal LED/LCD TV, In this project you can make your own smart TV using a Raspberry pi. You can use this TV to browse on internet, watch Netflix, Youtube and many more.

9. Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic Radar using Pi

Ultrasonic sensor is used as a range finder or a distance calculator, It generates sound waves and waits for the echo and depending on the timing of the echo It calculates the distance between the sensor and the object. In this project you will be using the ultrasonic sensor to find the objects coming in the range, this project is somewhat similar to the radar, so the utrasonic sensor constantly sends sound pulses and if the sound waves are received back then there is aobject in in front of the sensor. You can create a GUI to show the area of the coverage of the sensor and if there is any object infront of the sensor you can also show the position of the object.

10. Build a GPS Based Location Tracker Using Raspberry Pi

Build a GPS Based Location Tracker Using Raspberry Pi

It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered. The Packages which are sent are not recieved at the destination, or may be delayed and using this project you can track your package.

11. Digilock using Raspberry pi

Digilock using Raspberry pi

The security is very much needed everywhere, it can be in the home, office or anywhere. In this project, you will build a digital lock, this locking system opens only when you give the exact passkey.

12. Wordpress server using Raspberry Pi

Wordpress server using Raspberry Pi

Wordpress server is a PHP and MySQL based free and open-source blogging platform and a content management system. You can create your own website or a personal blog. This Wordpress is a tool for creating and personalizing a website or a blog where there are many free themes and design plan.

13. Motion capture camera

Motion capture camera

Time lapse footages are made up of images of the same scene captured over a brief period of time. These footage’s usually consists of cities, landscapes, sky views, constructions, city traffic, sea shores, ocean photography etc. These sceneries usually change over a brief period of time, so capturing images at timer short intervals without any considerable scenery change leads to wastage of storage space.

14. Image Processing based fire detection

Image Processing based fire detection

The main advantage of Image Processing Based Fire Detection System is the early warning benefit. This system can be installed just about anywhere in a commercial building, malls and at many more public places for fire detection. This system uses the camera for detecting fires. So we do not need any other sensors to detect fire. The system processes the camera input and then processor processes it to detect fires.

15. Electromagnetic Hover Car

Electromagnetic Hover Car

An automobile as we all know is an integral part of mankind’s day to day needs. Automobile technology as penetrated into different categories like emergency like transporting a patient in the ambulance or a war weapon to the war field, sports racing, the business application like transportation of goods, transportation of meetings and the list goes on.

16. Self Priming Centrifugal Pump

Self Priming Centrifugal Pump

About the project

Centrifugal pumps are a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work-absorbing turbomachinery. Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy typically comes from an engine or electric motor.

17. Wastewater treatment using Electrocoagulation process

Wastewater treatment using Electrocoagulation process

The industrial wastewater is highly polluted in nature with the presence of variable characteristics such as oil and grease, excess chloride content, acids and alkaline, total solids etc. Due to this problem, it is not possible to release wastewater into a watercourse or on land. There are many treatment methods are available to remove these pollutants. Electrocoagulation is one of the wastewater treatment method which is easy to apply and cheap in cost.

18. Impact testing of rotor

Impact testing of rotor

Project Description

Rotating shafts have applications as power transmitting devices everywhere around us. Car engines, aeroplane engines, fans,etc use a rotating shaft to transmit power. These shafts can experience whirling if they are not properly machined or installed. An unbalance in the shaft, misalignment of bearings or an external impact affects the life of the shaft. It will fail if it reaches its critical speeds.

19. Health Monitoring Wearable

Health Monitoring Wearable

In this project, you will build a Health Monitoring Wearable Glove which can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove. The pulse on a person is sensed using a pulse sensor, which sends information to the Lilypad Arduino board to command the LCD to display the heart rate.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on supply
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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