The following projects are based on power inversion. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using power inversion.
One of the most trending and curious topics in the field of power generation from natural resources is the power generation from footsteps. Generally, people who want themselves to be fit and healthy, go for jogging, walking. If we carefully observe, there is a lot of energy which had been dissipated by them. Whenever people run or walk, practically they are applying pressure on the ground to move. Through this project, you are going to convert that energy into Storable power. The Power which is stored in the battery will be used to Glow the street light.
As we are running short of non-renewable energy resource, we need to increase our focus on renewable energy resources. As a part for contribution to solve above mentioned problem, you are going to build an innovative hybridised mobile charger which will get the power form solar and piezo electric transducers.
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