The following projects are based on surveillance. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using surveillance.
There are different types of security system that are available in the world but most of them are having some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is Closed Circuit camera is fixed on the walls and can record only one side at a time, so it can be damaged from the other side.
At the entrance of most buildings, the security guard makes a note of vehicle number. It takes a lot of effort and it is a time-consuming process. It may also lead to various security issues. In this project, you will extract the vehicle number using a surveillance camera.
Waiting in a traffic jam has always been a bad experience for everyone. In this project, you will develop a smart traffic management system. The traffic will be controlled based on the number of vehicles waiting. The lane with a greater number of vehicles will be allowed to move first.
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