Latest Projects Based on Css

The following projects are based on css. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using css.

1. Webpage including form

Webpage including form


When we create a webpage, we often are required to collect the data from the users. This can be done with the help of forms which act as a predefined template. The form consists of various options such as options, textboxes, checkboxes, etc. This helps the users to select the answers without writing a whole article about it. A form is very useful in taking surveys and collecting data from a large number of audiences. 

Forms can be made with the help of HTML language but it is made more attractive and responsive with the help of CSS. The code of creating forms in the HTML language is the <form> tag. The form tag has many attributes and various elements such as submit, radio buttons, checkboxes, text areas, etc. These elements will help you to create a responsive form.

2. How to Develop An E-Learning Platform Using Cloud Computing

How to Develop An E-Learning Platform Using Cloud Computing

With the advancement in technology, a huge change is happening in the education system. In this cloud computing project, we will develop an e-learning platform using cloud computing. Cloud computing is widely used in various fields because of its various applications and easy deployment. Nowadays with easy access to the internet and smartphones, everyone is able to connect and access online resources. This also expanded the use of cloud computing services. 

E-learning is one of the fast and efficient ways to spread knowledge to learners from different parts of the world. E-learning uses modern technology and digital content to make the learning process more attractive. Effectiveness, consistency, scalability, reduced costs, etc. are some of the advantages of the E-learning platforms. But to set up an e-learning platform it requires a huge software and hardware resources. Cloud computing provides the best solution to set up the infrastructure for the e-learning platform with reduced costs. It uses the internet and remote servers to maintain data and applications. 

3. Designing a Calculator with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Designing a Calculator with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

We have all seen shopkeepers using manual and classic calculators for billing purposes. But here is an easy web development project to make such a calculator but web-based. It is much more helpful if the calculator is web-based because all the manual errors get emitted. This small guide to building a calculator with HTML, CSS, and JS is super easy and is best suitable for beginners.

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Latest Projects based on css
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-11-16

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