The following projects are based on vhdl. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using vhdl.
Traffic lights help people to move properly in the junctions by stopping the route for one side and allowing the other. But most of the traffic lights have fixed time controller which makes the vehicles to stop for a long time during peak hours. Because of this, traffic congestion is increased during peak hours. Sometimes traffic police placed in the congestion areas to manage the traffic this shows the ineffectiveness of the system. While for smaller roads sensors are used to control the traffic autonomously.
In this VLSI design project, we will design an FPGA based traffic light controller system which reduces the waiting time of the drivers during peak hours. VHDL is used to design FPGA because with VHDL you can simulate the operation of digital circuits from an easy one to complex gates.
Nowadays, accidents in highways are increased due to the increase in the number of vehicles. To avoid collisions between vehicles the speed of the vehicle is reduced or the driver is alerted when it nears the preceding vehicle. In this VLSI design project, we will design a PID controller based on fuzzy logic using Very Highspeed Integration Circuit Hardware language for automobile’s cruising system.
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