Latest Projects Based on Catia

The following projects are based on catia. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using catia.

1. Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

Design and Fabrication of Vacuum Brake system

The design and fabrication of a braking system is a difficult task. The application of brakes using vacuum in automobiles is a more difficult task in the initial stages of the work. But it has been successfully proved that such brake application is possible with the fail-safe condition. While implementing this idea on a heavy vehicle, it is better to replace the manually operated directional control valve with solenoid operated directional control valve to reduce driver effort and also it will work like a brake pedal switch. In this project, you will design and fabricate a vacuum braking system for a Train.

2. Design and analysis of fuel system for Velocity XL

Design and analysis of fuel system for Velocity XL

The VELOCITY-XL aircraft is a long-range aircraft with the latest technology in aerodynamics and structure to provide good maneuverability facilities and stealth mode. This can move 1100-miles cross country trips at speeds above 190 MPH while carrying four adults and baggage in total comfort. These airplanes perform best at altitudes of 8,000-11,000 feet. Landing requires a speed of about 85 MPH and a 1,500 feet long landing strip.

3. Detachable Wings

Detachable Wings

The main purpose of this project is to minimize the loss of life in times of catastrophic failure of the hydraulic system or case of failure of engines. A new design concept that has the potential to save the lives of a thousand passengers in the event of an air crash. The notion involves the redesigning of a plane with the detachable wings that would eject during the emergency to touch down on land or water safety. It is the method of detaching the wings from an aircraft which is in the state of an unrecoverable stall, which could add up to damage in time of catastrophe.

In this project, we are going to fabricate an aircraft with detachable wings and the Orion parachute system (3 parachutes). Later creating a 3D model of an aircraft and run analysis over the model and obtain the results. At last a field test is conducted based on flight data requirements.

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Latest Projects based on catia
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-11-16

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