The following projects are based on c plus plus. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using c plus plus.
We all have played the vintage snake game in our devices in our childhood. Accept it, the game may be basic but it was quite addicting and we all used to get so engrossed and played it to increase the tail until we hit our head with it and BOOM game over! If you have ever wondered how this game can be built then here is small support that I could provide.
Let me introduce you to the game if you are new to it. There is a snakehead, a snake tail, and a fruit in the game. You can move your snake up, down, left as well as right. And, as you swallow the fruit the tail size increases. If you collide with the tail or cross the bounds of the wall then the game is over.
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