Get course access instantly & learn 24x7
Learn & build innovative projects anywhere, anytime
Upon completing training & internship successfully
Opportunity to show your Machine Learning skills
Impress your interviewers, teachers and friends
Min. ₹10000 on completing internship successfully
Not a 'paper engineer'. Be a real, practical engineer
Grab the best jobs and higher education opportunities in Machine Learning
First, you will learn the skills hands-on using online course & assistance.
Then, you can choose an internship from the available ones where you will be working on real projects for Skyfi Labs/ partners.
You will earn 2 certificates - 1 upon completing the course & 1 upon completing the internship successfully.
You will also earn a min. stipend of ₹10000 upon completing the internship successfully. You might be given more internship opportunities based on your performance in the first internship.
The course involves you to build multiple Machine Learning projects and helps you develop practical skills on Machine Learning hands-on.
You will develop the following projects:
Get access to course instantly and learn at your own convenience
Use the course & tutorials with practical sessions in course to build your projects
Choose an internship offer with Skyfi Labs/ partners upon completing the training
Min. ₹10000 stipend. Certificates on completing course & internship.